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York U hosts two-day workshop on disaster risk management in business education

A two-day workshop led by Florida International University will explore the topic of disaster risk management (DRM) on March 23 and 24 at York U at Schulich Executive Centre.

“Disaster Risk Management in Business Education” is a UNISDR-sponsored workshop supported by the Federal Government of Germany’s Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

It is the first event focusing on this particular topic, said Ali Asgary of York University’s Distaster & Emergency Management program.

“Since our program (thus York University) is one of the leading universities in Disaster & Emergency Management in Canada and (internationally) we were asked to participate in this initiative (Disaster Risk Management in Business Education),” said Asgary. “This is part of a larger UNISDR initiative called Private Sector Alliance for Disaster Resilient Societies (ARISE). The aim is to expand disaster risk reduction efforts into the private sector in which business education plays a key role.”

Objectives for the event include: present and discuss white papers on DRM in business education; discuss options for mainstreaming DRM within the curricula of undergraduate, graduate, outreach and professional development programs; explore partnerships and agreements to move toward an implementation phase; and propose mechanisms for monitoring.

The event will run from 8am to 4pm on March 23; it begins at 8am on March 24, and concludes at 5pm with a closing session.

Institutions participating in the event include: FGV‐EAESP Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo (Brazil); John Molson School of Business – Concordia University, School of Administrative Studies – York University, and Rotman School of Management – University of Toronto (Canada); Universidad EAFIT (Columbia); Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (India); Mona School of Business and Management – University of West Indies (Jamaica); Business School – Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (Mexico); ESAN Graduate School of Business (Peru); Faculty of Economics and Business – University of Gadjah Mada (Indonesia); FIU – College of Business’ Small Business Development Center (SBDC) (U.S.A.); and, University De Chile .