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MES student recognized by City of Boston

York MES student Michael Joseph received a special invitation by Boston City Hall to deliver his presentation “EnviroPan: The Black History of Steelpan” during Caribbean American Heritage Month.

MES student Michael Joseph (far right)

MES student Michael Joseph (far right) receiving the Boston Certificate of Recognition

During his visit in late June, Joseph was also awarded the prestigious Boston Certificate of Recognition.

“The citation is in appreciation for my service and contribution to the Caribbean community of Boston, signed by the Mayor for my commitment, dedication and influence displayed with regards to my work as a steelpan artist and educator,” writes Joseph on his blog. “This is also for my environmental efforts to address the health issues affecting the global steelpan community.”

According to Joseph, his presentation is an opportunity to deliver environmental sustainability education for steelpan with the possibility to bring about social change.

“This obviously reminds us of the importance of cultural, social, economic, political and environmental epistemologies,” he said.

Joseph delivered his presentation before the mayor of Boston, city officials, state representatives, counsel generals of Caribbean nations and community leaders.

Caribbean American Heritage Month festivities celebrated the theme “Caribbean Harmony in Our Diversity”.

“This presentation means a lot to me because this is the way I envisioned my dissemination happening,” he said, noting the timing of the event coincided with his final major paper presentation.

The invitation to Boston, he said, also provides him with leverage to access other cities to present EnviroPan: The Black History of Steelpan.

“We are extremely proud that our MES student, Michael Joseph, is carrying the musical message of FES’s commitment to social justice, creativity, and environmental sustainability to this prestigious international arena,” said FES Dean Noël Sturgeon.

Joseph recently ran a workshop at York during the Faculty of Environmental Studies’ Change Your World event.