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Call for nominations: Master of New College

New College is looking for a Master.  A College Master provides an environment of leadership in regard to an intellectual community of students, faculty and fellows. As well, College Masters provide mentoring for the future leaders of tomorrow. There is also a commitment to enhancing the experience of York’s students, especially first-year students. If you think that you can fulfill these goals, then the search committee encourages you to apply for the position of Master at New College.

New College is part of the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies and supports students in the following programs: Administrative Studies, Disaster & Emergency Management, Human Resources Management, and Information Technology.

Each of the colleges at York University provides an environment for undergraduate and graduate students to grow as individuals, both personally and academically. The Colleges offer a space where students are provided with opportunities to engage with other students, staff, faculty members and alumni. Through various types of programs that include peer-mentoring and peer-assisted student success programs, academic workshops and lecture series, the Colleges work with the Faculty and other units at the University to enhance the student experience and foster a community environment for College membership. Colleges play a crucial role at York and the position requires a commitment to the University, the College and most importantly, the desire to enhance the lives of our students.

Applications/nominations are invited for the position of Master of New College, commencing July 1, 2017, for a period of three years.

The successful applicant will be a tenured faculty member of York University, who is committed to enhancing the student experience, and especially, the first year experience through the delivery of programs and services, and to engaging members of the York Community, as well as the wider community. The successful applicant is committed to the support and advancement of the students’ university experience, and demonstrates superior administrative skills, particularly in the areas of finance, staff supervision and leadership. The Master will have a thorough knowledge of York’s academic and administrative processes.

If you are a faculty member interested in becoming Master of New College, we will be pleased to hear from you. Further, if you are a faculty member, staff member, or a student who knows someone that you think would make an exceptional Master, we welcome your nomination of that individual.

Masters receive a stipend, course release and sabbatical top-up. For faculty members with an active research program, research support funds may be available upon submission of a proposal to the Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies.

Applications/nominations for the Mastership of New College should be submitted to Professor John Amanatides, Chair, Search Committee, c/o Diane Stadnicki, Secretary to the Search Committee, by email to, no later than Tuesday, Feb. 28.