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Open forums next week on the draft Sustainability Strategy

York University is hosting two open forums on Wednesday, May 31 to discuss the draft Sustainability Strategy that will guide the University in advancing sustainability into the near and long-term future. The purpose of the strategy is to communicate and implement a shared vision, inspire positive change, build capacity, empower people, harness innovation and creativity, and foster a culture of sustainability within and beyond the university.

More than 1,000 community members have participated in the Sustainability Strategy process since it began in the fall term. The consultation process kicked off with a community-wide visioning workshop, which was followed by a student workshop and additional workshops in key focus areas such as operations, curriculum, research, administration and social justice & human rights. This was followed by presentations that were made to each faculty council and a community-wide survey that was administered during the month of April.

Each open forum session will begin with a presentation on the Sustainability Strategy, followed by a Q&A session. Community members are invited to come for all or any part of the open forums.

Open Forum Date Time Location
Keele campus May 31 10am  – 12pm Kaneff Tower 626
Glendon campus May 31 2pm – 4pm York Hall A304


If you are interested in attending either of the sessions, please RSVP via the following links:

RSVP (Keele):

RSVP (Glendon):

For more information, please visit the Sustainability Strategy website at or send an email to