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Geomatics engineering prof leads Chinese to English translation of well-known textbook

Jianguo Wang

York University Geomatics Engineering Professor Jianguo Wang led the English edition of Error Theory and Foundation of Surveying Adjustment, a well-known university textbook in Chinese authored by faculty in the Teaching and Research Section of Surveying Adjustment at the School of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering at Wuhan University, China.

The third edition of the original text book in Chinese was compiled and revised under the leadership of Professors B. Tao, W. Qiu and Y. Yao, became the specified textbook for Error Theory and Surveying Adjustment, which has been honored as a national excellence sharing course in China. The book is the standard textbook in surveying engineering and is used by the majority of the about 200 universities and schools in China.

Cover of the English version of the textbook Error Theory and Foundation of Surveying Adjustment

Cover of the English version of the textbook Error Theory and Foundation of Surveying Adjustment

So far, more than 80,000 copies have been sold since May 2014. The textbook systematically explains the theory of errors in measurements, fundamental principle and methods of surveying measurements after least-squares, and intensifies and expands the knowledge of error theory, extending its scope of application.

Wang, a professor at the Lassonde School of Engineering of York University, worked with Qiu, Yao and Wu, all professors at School of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering at Wuhan, to translate and compile the English version of the textbook, which was published in May 2019 by Wuhan University Press. Wang oversaw seven of the book’s 12 chapters and unified the book’s entire manuscript. The final manuscript review was performed by faculty in the Teaching and Research Section of Surveying Adjustment at Wuhan.

Designed to be a standard textbook for undergraduates studying surveying engineering or geospatial information science and technology, the textbook also serves a reference for scientific and engineering professionals in the relevant disciplines.