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Community input wanted for Scott Library Master Space Plan at open house, Feb. 24

York University Libraries are embarking on a master space plan for Scott Library called “A Vision and Functional Space Program” that will be used as an opportunity to re-imagine and revitalize Scott Library, incorporating transformational spaces for teaching, learning, research, collaboration and knowledge production.

All members of the York University community are invited to an open house on Feb. 24 from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Scott Library Atrium, where they can provide feedback to inform the Master Space Plan for the library. Architects will be onsite to gather input on York’s vision and the community’s needs for the space.

Scott Library Atrium

Scott Library Atrium

Moriyama and Teshima Architects have been awarded the project. They will be delivering the space plan by Spring 2020 to map out a new, contemporary vision for a modern, 21st century research library, a contemporary library for students, faculty and researchers.

To help achieve this vision, the project architects are embarking on a stakeholder engagement process and are seeking community input on the vision and the elements that have been identified as priorities.

The space planning team is in the process of reaching out to different stakeholder groups. In addition to the open house and other consultations, community members may also provide feedback through an online survey.

A preview of some of the ideas for the revitalized libraries is included in a welcome video featuring Dean of Libraries Joy Kirchner. More information can be found on the Scott Library Master Space Plan Website.