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The Welcoming YU Back Roadmap

Road featured image for the Welcoming YU Back Roadmap

The Welcoming YU Back Roadmap identifies the anticipated levels of reopening for in-person and on-campus activities

The people of YU are at the heart of York University’s response to the pandemic. The Welcoming YU Back Roadmap aims to offer a clear picture of how the University is planning to welcome students, staff, faculty and instructors back safely in the 2021-22 academic year.

The Welcoming YU Back Roadmap identifies the anticipated levels of reopening for in-person and on-campus activities at York and it is guided by these three goals:

  • to deliver on York’s academic and research missions, while prioritizing the health and well-being of students, staff, instructors and faculty;
  • to safely return to learning, teaching, research and working on York’s campuses, recognizing that the path back is a process, and not a single event; and
  • to educate and encourage a community of care and sense of collective responsibility in safeguarding public health on York’s campuses.

The new roadmap, which was released at the June 17 town hall, outlines three levels of return:

In Level 1, capacity on York’s campuses is under 30 per cent, with most courses being delivered remotely and a high degree of caution around community transmission or cases on campus. This is the level that the University is operating under presently.

With Level 2, campus capacity is between 30 and 60 per cent, with a mix of in-person and remote course delivery and a moderate amount of caution with respect to community transmission or cases on campus.

In Level 3, a scenario that will be closer to the anticipated public health environment in winter, York will be over 60 per cent of capacity on campuses, with a return to more normal operations.

Read more about the Welcoming YU Back Roadmap, the Top 12 Ways York is Preparing to Welcome YU Back and how we can create a Community of Care as we move toward the return to campuses.

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