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A statement from the Indigenous Council on this day for Truth and Reconciliation

The Indigenous Council joins the York community in acknowledging this day for Truth and Reconciliation. We, as Indigenous Peoples, mourn the lives lost and grieve for all who were taken from our families and communities. While the impacts can at times feel overwhelming, so too is our determination.

The Indigenous Council calls on the York University community to participate in learning the truths and to join us in doing the work necessary to accomplish reconciliation. We know that this will not always be an easy journey, but we invite you to join us on this journey together, as we heal from the truths and press forward in the name of reconciliation.

We encourage you to review the 94 Calls to Action found in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report and the York University Indigenous Framework in order to find ways that you can take action in order to implement or advocate for their inclusion in your unit, Faculty, and throughout the larger institution.

