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Webinar focuses on justice and equity for youth at risk of homelessness

The fifth webinar in the Making the Shift’s “In Conversation With…” series takes place Nov. 16. This webinar will focus on practices towards justice and equity for Indigenous, racialized and LGBTQ2S+ youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

While all youth who are homeless experience exclusion, youth who identify as Indigenous, racialized, LGBTQ2S+, or youth at these intersections, are particularly vulnerable to significant systemic and cultural barriers, resulting in a disproportionate risk of becoming homeless. This webinar is an opportunity for researchers, service providers, advocates, and policymakers to learn about preventative interventions and practices that work to address the unique needs of Indigenous, racialized and LGBTQ2S+ youth. Join Kim Kakakaway, training consultant at A Way Home Canada, Clovis Grant, CEO of 360° Kids, and Alex Abramovich, scientist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and assistant professor at the University of Toronto, for a rich discussion on how to produce positive, inclusionary outcomes for youth at risk of or who experience homelessness.

The webinar will be moderated by Cheyanne Ratman, co-founder & CEO of Ontario Children’s Advancement Coalition and MtS Scholar with Lived Experience Network member.

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