YFile uses an approved list of YFile tags to guide its tagging conventions.
A request for up to five of these tags to be assigned to a specific story will be considered by YFile with each online story submission. Please note: YFile tags are not to be confused with keywords or hashtags. Read more about YFile Tagging Conventions.
Approved YFile tags
- Academic Innovation Fund
- Advancement
- Alumni
- AMPD (School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design)
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Athletics
- Awards
- BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of colour)
- Changemakers
- Colleges
- Community
- Connected Minds
- Continuing education
- Convocation
- eLearning
- Equity Diversity Inclusion (EDI)
- Events
- Experiential education
- Faculty (faculty members)
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change
- Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Faculty of Health
- Faculty of Science
- Glendon (Glendon Campus)
- Governance (senate, board, secretariat)
- Government (external government)
- Innovation
- International
- LAPS (Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies)
- Lassonde (Lassonde School of Engineering)
- Libraries (includes all libraries on all campuses)
- Markham (Markham Campus)
- Obituaries
- Operations
- Osgoode (Osgoode Hall Law School)
- Partnerships (external partnerships, e.g. CIFAL)
- President
- Provost
- Refugee
- Research (includes all organized research units)
- School of Medicine
- Schulich (Schulich School of Business)
- Staff
- Students
- Sustainability
- Teaching and Learning
- Teaching Commons
- UAP2020 (University Academic Plan 2020)
- UN SDG (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals)
- Wellbeing
- YURA (York University Retirees Association)
About the approved YFile tags
The six factors that guide the development of the approved YFile tag list are:
- core York University (tags referencing high-level, pan-University and institutional
content); - York U campuses/Faculties/schools (tags specific to these locations/units);
- York U non-academic units/departments (tags specific to these areas);
- York U pan-University events/activities/people (tags for convocation, sports,
staff etc.); - York U non-academic initiatives (tags for well-being, labour, partnerships); and
- categories of common content in YFile (teaching and learning, innovation, refugee).