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Go Global SDGs in Action Student Challenge, call for faculty and student participants

York University’s Go Global SDGs in Action Student Challenge is seeking expressions of interest from faculty and students for an international experiential learning initiative focused on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

There are two information sessions organized students interested in the Go Global SDGs in Action Challenge. The sessions will be held on Sept. 9 at 10 a.m. via Zoom, and Sept. 15 at 2 p.m. via Zoom.

Faculty interested in learning more about their important role in the Go Global SDGs in Action Challenge are encouraged to attend an information session on Sept. 9 at 11 a.m. via Zoom.

Funded by the Government of Canada’s Outbound Student Mobility Pilot Program Global Skills Opportunity (GSO), York University’s Go Global SDGs in Action Student Challenge aims to empower York students and their peers around the world to take action towards the achievement of the United Nations (UN) 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through a global lens. Using facilitated discussions, workshops and immersive opportunities taking place abroad, York students and their peers will develop global competencies, leadership, digital fluency and project management skills necessary to take action on SDGs. By participating in the program, students will learn and experience the opportunities and challenges in leading community action for social change.

This year’s Go Global SDGs in Action will focus on SDG 1: No poverty, SDG 3: Good health and well-being, SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation, and SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure, with the overarching SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals.

Calling York University faculty experts

Are you passionate about creating positive change by developing the next generation of leaders? York University is looking to engage faculty members with expertise and interest in the SDGs to mentor, provide advice and support to student project teams participating in the SDGs in Action Challenge. Share your expertise and knowledge on the SDGs, mentor SDG student teams and expand your own professional and personal SDG networks. Find out more and connect with York International. To learn more, download a the full Faculty mentor interest form.

Faculty interested in participating in this unique international and experiential learning initiative should send the Faculty mentor interest form by no later than Sept. 22, to Helen Balderama, director, Global Engagement and Partnerships, York International by email at and Ana Maria Martinez, associate director, Las Nubes EcoCampus, York International and the Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change, by email at

Calling on York University students to create local change and global impact

York students are encouraged to apply to participate in this initiative to create local and global impact. By participating in the SDGs in Action Student Challenge, students can grow their knowledge about the SDGs and other important global skills such as intercultural communication, leadership, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, digital fluency and project management skills through workshops. Students can lead their own action projects that contribute to the SDGs with the mentorship from York University, partner faculties, global experts and in collaboration with other student peers from around the world.

Up to $8,000 is available to support study, research or work in the communities/locations that will benefit from an SDG project (funding is available to current York University students only and will depend on duration, location of study, work or research abroad, which will be configured to best fit a student’s degree path and objectives). To learn more, download a PDF of the full Call for Student Participation. Students can apply by visiting

To learn more, visit the Go Global SDGs in Action Student Challenge website.

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