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Smoke-free by 2009?

York University is exploring a long-term plan to make the York campuses a non-smoking community in time for the University’s 50th anniversary in 2009.

Several Canadian universities have already begun the process of making their campuses non-smoking zones. In addition, the Province of Ontario and the City of Toronto, along with other municipalities, are moving forward with non-smoking laws. York has decided to prepare in advance for any legislation that may be imposed on the University.

York University President and Vice-Chancellor Lorna R. Marsden has created a president’s task force to assist the University with moving toward the 2009 target of being smoke-free. The task force, called the Pink Lungs Project, includes York’s Director of Occupational Health & Safety, students, staff and faculty. Its first goal will be to draw up a long-term health promotion and health protection strategic plan.

The plan will contain a number of steps designed to reduce exposure to second-hand smoke and to assist members of the York community with the introduction of smoking cessation programs.

A meeting of the Pink Lungs Project members is planned for Sept. 14, from 12:30 to 1:30pm in the Senate Chamber, N940 Ross Bldg.

Interested members of the community, both smokers and non-smokers, are invited to join the meeting to make suggestions and become involved in the early stages of this critical York community health project.

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