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New international survey gives high marks to Schulich

The Schulich School of Business at York University was ranked 14th among the top international business schools in the world in a new global survey of corporate recruiters conducted by The Wall Street Journal.  Schulich’s overall ranking in the survey, released on Sept. 22, was the highest ever attained by a Canadian business school in a major global survey.

Schulich ranked ahead of Harvard School of Business (Harvard University); Wharton School of Business (University of Pennsylvania); Haas School of Business (University of California Berkeley); and the Cornell Business School (Cornell University). Schulich ranked just behind Columbia Business School (Columbia University); INSEAD (France); and the Stanford Graduate School of Business (Stanford University) in The Wall Street Journal’s first ever “Top International Schools” survey. Schulich finished ninth among North American business schools, sixth among non-US schools. It was the only business school in Canada to make the international schools ranking.

Right: Dezsö J. Horváth

“We’re pleased to have been ranked among a very select group of truly international schools,” said Schulich School of Business Dean Dezsö J. Horváth. “The Wall Street Journal ranking certainly confirms the success of our global focus, a strategic direction we committed to more than 15 years ago.”

A total of 261 business schools – 186 from the US and 75 from outside the US – were eligible to take part in this year’s ranking. Of that total, only 71 received the minimum number of recruiter ratings to qualify for the final ranking, and only 21 of those schools were eligible to be included in the “Top International Schools” category. Business schools in the “Top International Schools” ranking had respondents from at least four countries who recruited from the school in the past two years. Close to 3,000 recruiters from around the world were asked to assess various attributes about the school and its students, including student leadership, teamwork, interpersonal and analytical skills, and “supportive behaviour” – the likelihood that a recruiter will continue recruiting from a school and make a job offer to its students in the next two years.

The Wall Street Journal described the international schools ranking as a “ranking of corporate recruiters’ favourite global MBA programs” and characterized the business schools in this category as “schools that have a global reach in their job-placement activities.”

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