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York offers potential students a powerful presentation

Above: York University’s booth at the recent Ontario Universities’ Fair

From Sept. 24 to 26, more than 75,000 high-school students, friends and family members attended the Ontario Universities’ Fair at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. This attendance figure came as a very pleasant surprise as it broke the 2002 record of 70,000 visitors. Interest in all universities was very high and a good number of Grade 10 and 11 students came for an early start on researching their postsecondary options.

York’s pioneering spirit was evident. Configured like a 100-foot “L” and divided into three “Zones”, this year’s information booth anchored one corner of the expanded exhibit hall.

The Faculty Zone, boldly identified by seven-foot full-colour reproductions of each Faculty’s recruitment brochure cover, was constantly busy with prospects and parents getting in-depth information about academic programs from students, academic advisors and professors.

Right: Students had an opportunity to go online at the York information booth at the Ontario Universities’ Fair

In the Admissions Zone, visitors could get expert advice about application policies and procedures and chat with reps from the Office of Student Financial Services, the Career Centre and Alumni Services.

The Student Zone was where guests headed to talk with over 70 student volunteers about campus life including clubs, residence and sports & recreation. Student Zone team-members were easily identified by their bright red York T-shirts and caps, and by their spirited message and warm smiles.

One floor up from the exhibit hall, visitors were drawn to the York University presentation hosted by students, staff and the York Lions mascots. Once in the presentation room, guests were immediately part of an impressive multimedia experience that included lights, giveaways, props, video-clips, audience participation and a musical soundtrack of bands that have played on campus.

The presentation quickly gained a reputation as being engaging and innovative. It attracted more than a few curious representatives from other Ontario universities who sat in the back of the room to see what the “buzz” was about.

Most importantly, guests were impressed. After being “totally juiced” by the York presentation and citing many of the points covered, one visitor said to her father, “Dad, I am DEFINITELY going to York!” She even volunteered to be one of the students praising York in the presentation at next year’s fair.

Right: York’s booth was staffed by students, faculty and staff who volunteered their time

Over 300 student, staff and faculty volunteers from all faculties and departments at York came to help at the fair. Their contribution to delivering the York message was invaluable.

Don Murdoch, manager of on-campus recruitment & special events from York Admissions’ Recruitment & Marketing , sent this account to Y-File.

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