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Learn more about saving energy on Campus Sustainability Day

York’s Facilities Services staff invite you to learn more about new initiatives to save energy in a special Webcast presentation Wednesday, Oct. 26 in Burton Auditorium.

Designated “Campus Sustainability Day” by the Society for College and University Planning, this event will highlight the latest initiatives and successes in sustainability in higher education from five important North American conferences.

Joe Palca

Left: NPR host Joe Palca

National Public Radio science correspondent Joe Palca will moderate the Webcast that presents five fast-paced conference synopses in a two-hour presentation. Acquiring this information first hand would have required travelling to Washington, DC, Florida, Indiana, Maryland and Oregon. Instead, the conferences have been “recycled” as virtual presentations for audiences across North America.

Facilities Services invites the campus community to attend the free event from 12 to 3:30pm in Burton Auditorium. This initiative and the Webcast support York’s commitment to sustainability.

RSVP by Friday, Oct. 21, to Kimberley Glaze at ext. 55596 or e-mail

For more information on the conference presentations featured, visit the Campus Sustainability Day Web site.

About sustainability at York

In March 2002, York University became a signatory to the Talloires Declaration. The 1990 declaration by the Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future is an action plan for creating an equitable and sustainable future for all humankind in harmony with nature. York’s annual Planning, Budget and Accountability Report outlines the University’s operational sustainability initiatives and achievements. Research and innovation in sustainability at York is supported and directed by the institute of that name (IRIS).

Facilities Services is beginning a renewed energy management program with the intention of becoming more sustainable in its energy use. Working with a private sector partner, Facilities Services will be making changes to heating, cooling and lighting systems throughout the campus to make buildings more efficient and ultimately more comfortable. A significant aspect of the energy management project is public awareness of, and education about, sustainability initiatives and actions. The Campus Sustainability Day Webcast is offered to raise awareness about sustainability in general and to hear about what’s being done elsewhere.

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