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York launches volunteering Web site

This week, York launches Get Involved, an online listing for students seeking opportunities to volunteer and participate on campus.

The interactive Get Involved Web site allows students a quick and easy way to match their interests with professors, staff and student activities, projects, programs and processes. They just fill out an online form and click.

“The University now has a powerful method for volunteer recruitment to get students involved in York,” says Rob Tiffin, VP students. “Students are encouraged to lend their voice and personal strengths to York beyond their academic involvement to enrich their York experience.”

Students who get involved at York raise awareness about the need for change and can become engaged in discussion and consultation. “It’s important to get involved at York because you have the potential to make a difference,” says Krystine Buzny (left), president of Calumet College Council. “Having your voice heard and having your ideas and opinions respected and valued often leads to change.”

For student volunteer Hamza Dawood (right), “getting involved has allowed me to develop productive relationships with professors and administrators and learn how to work with my fellow students as part of a team to accomplish concrete goals.” He volunteers as Chair of the Faculty of Arts Student Caucus, president of the Pre-Law Society at York, student senator on York University Senate and member of the York University Student Centre board of directors.

On the Get Involved Web site, students can search and select volunteer opportunities by area of interest or type of position. They can indicate when they are available and can opt to be notified by e-mail when a new opportunity that fits their criteria is posted.

By the same token, faculty, staff and student organizations can post volunteer positions quickly on the Get Involved Web site, which could speed up recruitment.

The Web site is also programmed to provide year-end reports to identify areas of volunteer growth opportunities and provide feedback about volunteer positions.

With Get Involved, York is establishing a new best practice for student engagement and participation in university decision-making. The idea for the Web site grew out of student issues raised at the Student Life Forum and York’s Student Representative Roundtable.

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