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Marketing Hall of Legends adds Schulich professor

The Toronto-based Marketing Hall of Legends will induct three new members in 2008, wrote Adnews magazine Aug. 2. In the Mentor category, which recognizes those who have assisted others to succeed in marketing through philanthropy or academia, the new member is Professor Peter Zarry, York University’s Schulich School of Business, who died in 2002. The Marketing Hall of Legends is an initiative of the Toronto chapter of the American Marketing Association and Mandrake.

Adjusting the Halifax picture

The future of the Jewish community of Halifax is not nearly as dire as "The Lost Tribe of the Atlantic"(Focus section of the Globe, July 28) would lead one to believe, wrote Howard Heyman in a letter to The Globe and Mail Aug. 2. In 2003, then York Professor Randal Schnoor spoke in Halifax about the demographics of the city’s Jewish community. According to his statistics, there were 1,012 Jews in 1951; 1,315 in 1971; 1,480 in 1991; and 1,575 in 2001. Because Halifax is a medical and university centre, there is an inflow of Jewish professionals to balance the outflow of some of the offspring of the current residents.

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