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York adds extra security in wake of sexual assaults in Vanier

University officials have implemented extra security measures in the wake of two sexual assaults and an attempted sexual assault in York’s Vanier College residence in the early hours of Friday morning.

These measures include:

  • effective doubling of York security patrols.
  • increasing staffing at Vanier Residence.
  • increasing staffing at other residences on campus. 
  • heightened on-campus presence by the Toronto Police Service. 
  • postering across campus, reminding students to be vigilant.
  • alerts issued through all channels, including Web sites, direct e-mails and ongoing contact with student government and associations.
  • on-site counselling for students.

York President & Vice-Chancellor Mamdouh Shoukri added his voice to the many concerns being expressed on campus: “First and foremost our thoughts are with the students affected by these terrible crimes, as well as the wider student community. We will continue to offer our support," he said.

“For our students in particular and for the York community as a whole, these are devastating events that shake us to the core. We will do everything we can to help the Toronto Police Service bring these criminals to justice.”

Shoukri is urging students to be vigilant with regard to their own safety, and that of their fellow students, and is asking all members of the York community to be extra cautious about security.

York Security Services has issued the following Campus Alert: 

The Toronto Police Service continues to investigate two sexual assaults and an attempted sexual assault that occurred in the early morning hours on Friday, Sept. 7, 2007, at Vanier College residence. 

Police are looking for two male assailants involved in both incidents. The Toronto Police Service has issued the following descriptions: 

Suspect #1: 

Male, white with a dark complexion, early 20s with short dark hair, 5’5” to 5’7”, wearing blue jeans and running shoes.

Suspect #2:

Male, white, 6’-6’1”, slim build, early 20s, short light-coloured hair, wearing blue jeans.

According to police, the two suspects sexually assaulted the first and second victims, followed by an attempted assault of another woman. They also entered three other rooms but were scared off.

Should you have any information with respect to these sexual assaults or information that may assist the police you are asked to contact Toronto Police Service Sex Crimes Unit directly at 416-808-7474 or Crime Stoppers at 416-222-TIPS.

All York community members are asked to be vigilant and report any and all suspicious behaviour. 

York Security Services responds to all community calls for service and can be contacted directly at 416-736-5333 or ext. 33333.

York University also provides the following campus security services:

  • 24/7/52 campus security patrols
  • 24/7/52 monitored CCTV coverage
  • goSAFE transportation service
  • escort – foot patrols
  • network of emergency “Blue Light” telephones

Please refer to the York Security Web site for more information or further updates:

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