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Community & Students - Experience Ventures

Experience Ventures logo

Interested in making an impact on your career? Why wait until graduation? Get an edge on your future. Experience Ventures creates paid entrepreneurial thinking placements for college and university students with innovative companies in Canada.

What to expect

Our goal is to inspire your creativity, resiliency and future vision—so you can shape your future with the right skill set. 
Experience Ventures offers five types of entrepreneurial thinking placements. 

A one- to two-day event in which companies present students with real world challenges and ask them to provide innovative solutions. 

Taking place over several weeks, these require students to build out more complete solutions to social, business, design or community challenges. 

Companies present students with a specific project, and the school matches it to talent from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds. 

Students selected by the incubator receive unique opportunities to work with several companies over the course of a term. 

Interdisciplinary Team
Incubators create teams of students from more than one discipline and provide them with a project for a venture or group of ventures. 

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Network and meet industry leaders and employers to help you become future ready by developing the skills and mindset to thrive in the innovation economy. 

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Leadership development

You will also develop leadership and manage people working as a group. 

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Growth frameworks

Explore Canada’s evolving innovation economy to help you become future ready.

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Milestone driven

Make an impact alongside real-world innovators to hone your entrepreneurial thinking skills and work on projects with new companies and technologies that are shaping the future. 


Applications open

Experience Ventures are open throughout the year but it varies depending on timeline and the placement type. 

Application process

To inquire about Experience Ventures opportunities, email us at yspace@yorku.ca for more details and find out how you can qualify for the program.

Please note that there is a survey that must be completed at the end of the placement to receive the stipend. If you wish to learn more about the survey  or have any questions, email us.

Program eligibility

  • A registered student and enrolled in any full-time or part-time program at York University 
  • A Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or person to whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act 
  • Legally entitled to work in Canada in accordance with relevant provincial or territorial legislation and regulations 

Frequently asked

A placement is not officially tied to your curriculum and does not qualify as such, except in the following circumstance: 
You can use the Experience Ventures opportunity towards your field of study, as long as it meets the curriculum requirements of a placement or internship for an academic course. 

No, the program is currently limited to one paid placement per student in the academic year. 

Three entrepreneurs in multi-coloured squares.


To inquire about Experience Ventures opportunities, email us at yspace@yorku.ca
for more details and find out how you can qualify for the program. 


University of Calgary Hunter Hub for Entrepreneurial Thinking logo
Funded by: Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario Canada logo

Newsletter signup

YSpace is committed to working with emerging technology, agrifood, products and services. Get in touch today to find out how you can become a part of our community.

Contact us

For more information, please contact us at
416-736-2100 ext. 44940