What is the SC-CÉ?
The SC-CÉ is a national network of students interested in aging research and is organized by the student members of the Canadian Association on Gerontology.
We represent student interests at the CAG-ACG Board of Directors and provide a forum for discussion and exchange of information on topics relevant to students and recent graduates in gerontology, including research and practice issues, grants and job openings.
Goals and Objectives
- To support and pursue the objectives listed in the Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG-ACG) Constitution.
- To provide a forum for the discussion of issues of specific concern to students of aging across Canada and the world.
- To provide a forum for the exchange of information concerning research, practice, grants, job openings, and other relevant items.
- To provide a forum for networking with students from across Canada and from around the world.
- To represent the interests and concerns of students at the CAG-ACG Board of Directors towards contributing to Association activities, optimizing benefits for students, and facilitating student participation.
- To support recruitment of CAG-ACG student members towards a sense of student ownership of and future regular membership in the CAG-ACG upon graduation
For more information about the Canadian Association on Gerontology - Student Connection, York Chapter, please visit their website or follow their Twitter!