Decent Work and Quality Long-Term Care Systems [PDF]
Written by Sara Charlesworth, Ian Cunningham and Tamara Daly for Public Services International.

RNs in Long-Term Care: A Portrait (2019) [PDF]
Written by Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Jacqueline Choiniere, and Ruth Lowndes for the Ontario Nurses' Association "Care Now" campaign.

Before it's too late: A National Plan for Safe Seniors' Care (2015) [PDF]
Written by Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, and Jacqueline Choiniere for the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions.

"Out of control": violence against Personal Support Workers in LTC (2008)
Written by Albert Banerjee, Tamara Daly, Hugh Armstrong, Pat Armstrong, Stirling Lafrance and Marta Szebehely.
York University and Carleton University

There are not enough hands: Conditions in Ontario's long-term care facilities (2004) [PDF]
Written by Dr. Pat Armstrong and Dr. Tamara Daly for the National Research Department of CUPE.