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Mobile YU-card FAQ

Students must present identification during their examination period. As York continues its transition to mobile YU-cards, students with a digital version have been advised to bring alternate government-issued ID, such as a passport, a driver’s license, an Ontario photo identity card, permanent resident card or a certificate of Indian status card. 

Faculty/staff can follow the following technical guidelines when using mobile YU-card identification for students. Students have been advised to follow the guidance of the exam invigilator/instructor on the use of mobile YU-cards and the placement of mobile phones.

Mobile YU-cards can only be verified through the mobile wallet. A screenshot of a mobile YU-card is not verifiable and should not be accepted as identification for an exam. To verify a student’s mobile YU-card, have the student open their digital wallet on their phone, and ask them to tap the top right corner icon (…) on Google Wallet on an Android phone or (i) on Apple Wallet on an iPhone. (See screenshots below.) The student number will then be displayed, along with other information. For fall 2023 final exams, scanners (“pull-up” readers) may be requested through the YU-card office for larger exams to help verify mobile YU-cards quickly.

YU-card on an Android phone

YU-card on an iPhone

Please note: The above icons will only appear when the mobile YU-card is opened from the digital wallet app. Payment shortcuts (e.g. double tapping the power button on an iPhone) will not give these options. See below for images of the Apple Wallet (iPhone) and Google Wallet (Android phones) icons.  

Apple Wallet icon

Google Wallet icon

Mobile credentials provide a more secure solution that can effectively help to mitigate the risks of counterfeiting and other fraudulent activity. Staff are recommended to follow recommended verification practices to ensure authenticity. 

Wearable devices should be packed away during exams and will not be accepted in exam spaces. Students have been advised to follow the guidance of the exam invigilator/instructor on the use of the mobile YU-card and the placement of mobile phones during exams.

A passport is an accepted alternate form of government-issued photo ID for exams. Instructors, Course Directors, and TAs also have access to the YU-card validation tool, which allows them to look up individuals who have forgotten their IDs or are unable to present them.  Please contact yucard@yorku.ca to learn more about this web app.