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Deadline Dates

Banting Research Foundation: Research Grants

Donner (William H.) Foundation: Research Grants

Health & Human Services (U.S. Department of): Public Health Service Grants (Competing Continuation, Supplemental and Revised Grants)

Health Canada: NHRDP Personnel Awards Program

Hospital for Sick Children: External Grants Program (letter of intent due; full application due April 30)

Medical Research Council: Clinical Trials, Equipment Grants, Maintenance Grants, Operating Grants, Workshops and Symposia

Newberry Library (Chicago): Short-Term Fellowships in the Humanities

NSERC: Multidisciplinary Network Group Program in Plant Biology and Food Science

Pacific Cultural Foundation: Research Grant in Chinese Studies

Prevent Blindness America: Grants-in-Aid; Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Resources for the Future (Washington, D.C.): Gilbert F. White Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

United States Institute of Peace: Unsolicited Grants

Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies: Short-Term Grants

York University (administered by ORA): Contract Faculty (CUPE 3903) Fund; Elia (Mariano A.) Research Fund

March 10

Canada Council: Literary Readings and Literary Festivals with Canadian Writers in Canada

March 12

Ontario HIV Treatment Network: Request for Proposals

March 15

Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies (University of California, Los Angeles): Fellowship Program (Various Fellowships)

Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange: Subsidies for Publication; Travel Grants

CIDA/AUCC: University Partnerships in Cooperation and Development Program Tier II (draft proposals must be submitted to ORA)

European Cultural Foundation: Grant Program

Fondation Franco-ontarienne: Programme de subventions

Instituto Cultural de Macau: Research Scholarships

NSERC: Visiting Fellowships in Canadian Government Laboratories

York University (administered by the Office of Research Administration): York Ad Hoc Research Fund (Conference Travel Grants)


New Strategic Themes

The deadline for the three new themes under SSHRC's Strategic Grants program has been extended until April 1 for letters of intent. Three-year research grants of up to $200,000/year are available for projects related to: (1) "Exploring Social Cohesion in a Globalizing Era"; (2) "Challenges and Opportunities of a Knowledge-Based Economy"; and (3) "Society, Culture and the Health of Canadians".

Deadline: April 1 for letters of intent.


University Partnerships in Cooperation and Development Program (UPCDP)

The deadline for this program has been extended. The new deadlines for the Tier II component of this program are now May 14 for Microfunds and November 5 for full proposals. (The May 14 deadline is to allow sufficient time to undertake microfund missions before the November 5 deadline). The Office of the Associate Vice-President (Research) has requested that draft proposals be submitted to ORA by March 15. UPCDP's objective is to increase, in a sustainable manner, the capacity of developing countries to educate and train the human rexsources required to meet their priority development needs. The program offers up to $750,000 over five years.

Deadlines: Draft proposals must be submitted to ORA by March 15.

Ontario HIV Treatment Network

Request for Proposals

The OHTN is requesting proposals to support researchers who would work in partnership with community-based AIDS groups and other stakeholders to develop a Community-based HIV Services Evaluation Unit. The program would undertake a series of different research projects, all designed to assess and strengthen the effectiveness of community-based AIDS programs and services in Ontario. The funding is $1 million/year for up to five years.

Deadline: March 12

Instituto Cultural de Macau

Research Scholarships

The Instituto Cultural de Macau offers a monthly living allowance and research fund to researchers who are investigating scientific subjects, particularly in the Portuguese and Chinese languages, with a view to promoting the Portuguese and Chinese cultures.

Deadline: March 15

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