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Deadline Dates

Association of Canadian Community Colleges

Partnership for Tomorrow Program

This program will fund small travel (up to $10,000) that will strengthen new and pre-existing partnerships and linkages between Canadians and the people of Central and Eastern Europe. Funds will be awarded based on the following types of activities: short-term consultancies, workshops and conferences, sector specific training, professional exchanges, study tours, and institutional linkages.

Deadline: "Applications will be accepted on an on-going basis."

Change Foundation

Grants Program

The Change Foundation facilitates innovation in health and health care delivery by providing seed money intended to incubate ideas with a focus on evaluation. In general, the Foundation's mandate is to promote, support and improve health and the delivery of health care through: applied operational research and analysis; development projects; education; grants to charities. The value of the grant is $50,000 per year, over two years.

Deadline: May 6 for letter of intent; full proposals are due August 6.

Canada Council

Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Prizes
Killam Research Fellowships

The Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Prizes honour eminent Canadian scholars actively engaged in research whether in industry, government agencies, universities or elsewhere. The Council normally awards one $50,000-prize in each of three areas: the natural sciences, engineering and the health sciences. The Killam Research Fellowships support researchers in any of the following broad fields: humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, health sciences, engineering, and studies linking any of the disciplines within these broad fields. The fellowship provides two years' release time to an individual scholar who wishes to pursue independent research.

Deadline: May 31.

Korea Foundation

Fellowship Program

The Korea Foundation offers a Fellowship for Korean Language Training to foreign scholars who need systematic Korean language education. The Foundation provides 600,000-8000 Korean Won, plus tuition, to enroll in a Korean-language program at a language institute affiliated with a major Korean university for six, nine, or twelve months. The Fellowship for Korean Studies is intended to promote Korean studies and support professional researchers in Korean studies by facilitating their research activities in Korea for 3-12 months. The award is valued at 1,000,000 to 1,200,000 Korean Won, plus air fare.

Deadline: May 31.


Research Infrastructure Support in Computer Networking

Support is available to Partner countries in structuring the organization of research and creating the required basic infrastructure. This involves transfer to and support for Partner countries by NATO countries. It is intended to benefit in particular the most geographically remote Partner countries and those which are technologically least well-equipped.

Deadline Dates

May 6

Rockefeller Foundation (Bellagio Study & Conference Center): Individual, Collaborative & Parallel Residencies; International Conferences; Team Residencies

May 10

Health and Human Services (U.S. Department of): Institutional National Research Service Award

May 14

Canadian International Development Agency (in conjunction with the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada): University Partnerships in Cooperation and Development Program Tier II (Microfunds)

May 15

American Historical Association: Various Book Prizes and Awards

Brain Tumor Foundation of Canada: Grant-in-Aid

Franklin Institute: Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science

NATO: Research Infrastructure Support in Computer Networking (Advanced Networking Workshops, Networking Infrastructure Grants)

Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (in conjunction with 3M Canada): 3M Teaching Awards

Weizmann Institute of Science: Postdoctoral Fellowships

Whitaker Foundation: Biomedical Engineering Research Grants (full application due; preliminary application due April 1)

May 31

Canada Council: Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Prizes, Killam Research Fellowships

International Atomic Energy Agency: Research Contract Programme

Korea Foundation: Fellowship for Korean Language Training; Fellowship for Korean Studies

March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation: Basil O'Connor Starter Scholar Research Awards (full application due; abstract due February 28)

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