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Deadline Dates

Human Resources
Development Canada

Canada-European Community Program

The Canada-European Community Program is intended to promote an innovative range of student-centred higher education and training cooperative activities between different regions of Canada and the European Community through the encouragement of joint projects undertaken by Canadian/European Community consortia. Up to $200,000 is available for up to three years to Canadian participants, and 600,000 Euros to support the participation of European Community institutions.

Deadline: May 21.

Networks of Centres
of Excellence (NCE)

ORA has received advanced notice that there will be two competitions for new NCEs. NCEs support teams pursuing leading-edge research in an area of strategic importance to Canada, working with industry to create commercial opportunities out of the results. Although specific details have not been released, ORA has been advised that the next competition will resemble the last one. Those interested in receiving the details of the previous competition, as well as the 1999 competition (when they are released) should contact ORA at extension 55055, (research@yorku.ca).

Deadline: June 1 for letters of intent; Sept. 15 for full applications.

Association of
Universities (ACU)

Development Fellowships

The ACU offers fellowships to Canadians to go to any other Commonwealth country with the view to developing the human resources of Canada. The fellowships enable the interchange of people, knowledge, skills and technologies among members of universities of the Commonwealth. The tenure of the fellowship can be in another university, industry, commerce, or public service. This six-month fellowship covers airfare, insurance, local travel abroad, and accommodation.

Deadline: May 31.


Research Networks

As part of NSERC's Research Partnerships Program, up to $500,000/year is available to fund large-scale, complex research proposals that involve multi-sectorial collaborations on a common research theme and that demonstrate the added advantages of a networking approach. A management structure is required to direct, manage, and integrate the activities of the network. The duration of the grant can be three, four or five years.

Deadline: June 1 for letters of intent; Oct. 1 for full application.

May 15

American Historical Association: Various Book Prizes and Awards

Brain Tumor Foundation of Canada: Grant-in-Aid

Franklin Institute: Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science

NATO: Research Infrastructure Support in Computer Networking (Advanced Networking Workshops, Networking Infrastructure Grants)

Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (in conjunction with 3M Canada): 3M Teaching Awards

Weizmann Institute of Science: Postdoctoral Fellowships

Whitaker Foundation: Biomedical Engineering Research Grants (full application due; preliminary application due April 1)

May 21

Human Resources Development Canada: Canada-European Community Program

May 31

Association of Commonwealth Universities: Development Fellowships

Canada Council: Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Prizes, Killam Research Fellowships

International Atomic Energy Agency: Research Contract Program

Korea Foundation: Fellowship for Korean Language Training; Fellowship for Korean Studies

March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation: Basil O'Connor Starter Scholar Research Awards (full application due; abstract due Feb. 28)

early June

French Embassy in Canada: Study grants in specialized medical fields

June 1

Bickell (J.P.) Foundation: Medical Research Grants-in-Aid

Cancer Research Society Inc.: Strategic Research Program (full applications due; letter of intent due April 1)

Health and Human Services (U.S. Department of): Public Health Service Grants (Conferences, Research Career Awards, New Research Grants, Program Project and Center Grants)

NSERC: Research Partnerships Program Research Networks (letter of intent; full application due October 1)

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (Washington, D.C.): Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies Short-Term Grants

York University (administered by ORA): Contract Faculty (CUPE 3903) Conference Travel Grants; York Incentive Grant

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