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Deadline Dates


Donner Canadian Foundation: Grants

Pediatric AIDS Foundation: Elizabeth Glaser Scientist Awards

June 14

Energy, Science and Technology (Ontario Ministry of): Telecommunications Access Partnerships (TAP)

SSHRC: Federalism and Federations Program (Research Grants)

June 15

Canadian Nurses Foundation: Research Grants Program

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (FAITC): Canada/Mexico Creative Artists Program

Health and Human Services (US Department of): Interactive Research Project Grants

Hong Kong Baptist University: University Fellowship Program

Lindbergh (Charles A.) Fund Inc.: Research Grants

Lung Association: Canadian Thoracic Society: Scholarships (letter of intent due; full application due September 15)

SSHRC: Joint Initiative with the Law Commission of Canada

York University (Faculty of Graduate Studies): Matching Fund Graduate Assistantships

York University (administered by ORA): York Ad Hoc Research Fund (Conference Travel Grant)

late June

Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CanFAR): Research Grants (over $20,000) [letter of intent due; full application due early October]

SSHRC: Research Development Initiatives Program

June 30

Corporate-Higher Education Forum: Bell Canada Forum Award; Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. Forum

International Development Research Centre: Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health: Academic Fellowships (full application; letter of intent due April 30)

Ivey (Richard) Foundation: Biodiversity in Forest-Dominated Ecosystems

Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute: India Studies Fellowships

SSHRC: Aid to Research and Transfer Journal (Special Initiative Grants)

Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI): Research Funding Program

University of Cambridge: Smuts Visiting Fellowship in Commonwealth Studies

School of Policy Studies (Queen's University)

Request for Proposals

The School of Policy Studies has funds available to support research on the non-profit and charitable sector from a variety of disciplines and perspectives. Collaborative studies that link university-based researchers with researchers in diversity of organizations and populations involved in the sector. Priority will be given to the following areas: The Role of the Non-Profit Sector in Society; Public Policy and the Non-Profit Sector; The Relationship between the Non-Profit Sector and the Private Sector. Awards of up to $20,000 for one year are given.

Deadline: May 31

SSHRC/Law Commission of Canada

Relationships in Transition Grants

This new SSHRC joint initiative with the Law Commission of Canada is intended to encourage multidisciplinary approaches to law reform in terms of key relationship issues, in order to explore and assess alternative policy options. Specific objectives include: encouraging the examination of relationship issues from multidisciplinary perspectives; supporting policy-relevant writing on these relationships; assessing the state of our knowledge and identify new avenues of research into relationship issues; promoting multi- or interdisciplinary capacities on issues surrounding law reform; and creating alliances between academic disciplines, the LCC and policy makers. Each year, the program will focus on one of four themes: economic relationships, personal relationships, social relationships, and governance relationships. The theme for the 1999 competition is Economic Relationships. These are one-year grants of up to $40,000.

Deadline: June 15


University Partnerships in Cooperation and Development Program

Please be advised that the internal date for submission of draft proposals for the selection of the two York CIDA/AUCC UPCDP Tier 2 proposals is now June 15. In spite of university efforts to convince CIDA and AUCC that a limit of two proposals per university does not recognize the academic breadth of York, the restriction remains. York, committed to supporting and forwarding strong institutional proposals, therefore has set out an internal process. Complete details of this process is available from ORA or York International.

Deadline: June 15 (to submit draft proposals to York International)

Canadian Health Services Research Foundation

Health Institutes Design Grants

The CHSRF is awarding $40,000 to support groups of researchers who wish to write position papers that will contribute ideas on how the social sciences and humanities and/or health services and nursing research should be integrated into the broadly-based health research investigations of the CIHR. The overall objective is to catalyze the emergence of the SSHRC/CHSRF communities in the CIHR and the building of consensus on CIHR thematic and governance concepts. The results will be announced June 11, and position papers will be due October 1.

Deadline: May 14

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