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Deadline Dates

early July

American Chemical Society: Petroleum Research Fund

Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CanFAR): Research Grants (up to $20,000)

July 1

American Institute for Cancer Research: Collaborative Research Grant (in conjunction with the Food & Drug Administration's National Center for Toxicological Research [NCTR]); Investigator Initiated Research Grant; Matching Grants; Postdoctoral Grants

Donner (William H.) Foundation: Research Grants

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): Information Visits

Health and Human Services (US Department of): Public Health Service Grants: Competing Continuation, Supplemental and Revised Grants

International Union Against Cancer (UICC): Yamagiwa-Yoshida Memorial International Cancer Study Grants

NSERC: Steacie (E.W.R.) Memorial Fellowships


Cattle Breeding Research Council: Research Grants

late July

Pediatric AIDS Foundation: Basic Research Grants; Scholar Awards; Scientific Awards (letter of intent due; full application due mid-November)

July 30

Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada: Sabbatical Grants in Africa for Canadian Researchers

York University (administered by ORA): SSHRC Conference Travel Grants

July 31

Australia (Government of the Commonwealth of): Australia Prize

Matsumae International Foundation: Fellowship Program

Rolex Watch Company of Canada: Rolex Awards for Enterprise


International Opportunity Fund

The IOF supports the non-research costs associated with Canadian participation in specific international opportunities. The costs supported are those that are not suitable for funding from other NSERC programs. The program helps Canadian researchers to establish collaborative projects with research groups or networks abroad, and facilitates the access of Canadian researchers to major international programs.

Deadline: Applications may be submitted at any time of year.

William H. Donner Foundation

Research Grants

Funding is available to support research in US/Canadian issues. There are three fields that are currently being supported: US Canadian Relations, to support projects which attempt to clarify analyze, and assess the effects of the very often differing approaches the two nations bring to key issues; Education, to support projects that are intended to improve the content of what is taught in formal educational settings, and activities that bring to the general public informed and balanced perspectives on important foreign and domestic issues; and Human Capital Development, to support projects that will help people who are out of the social and economic mainstream to enter or re-enter it.

Deadline: July 1

Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada

Sabbatical Grants in Africa

Grants of up to $36,000 are available to encourage Canadian and African academics to work more closely together on development research priorities for Africa. Specific program areas include food security, equity in natural resource use, biodiversity conservation, sustainable employment, strategies and policies for health societies, information and communication, and gender. The grants are intended for Canadians to work in Africa from four to eight months.

Deadline: July 30


Fall 1999 Competition

Those faculty members who are considering applying for a SSHRC Standard Research Grant in Fall 1999 are requested to contact ORA with their intent. Updated information typically arrives in the summer months, and those considering making a submission should contact ORA with their summer mailing address to ensure that they receive this material promptly. Standard Research Grants supports social science and humanities research programs of up to $250,000 over three years.

Deadline: Oct. 15

Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CanFAR)

Research Grants

CanFAR supports research in the basic sciences, clinical, epidemiological and psycho-social aspects of HIV infection and AIDS. In addition, a portion of the budget is allocated for the development and evaluation of education programs, and for research on ethical and other applications of measures that might be proposed for the protection of the public health.

Deadline: early July (for grants no larger than $20,000)

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