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| VOLUME 29, NUMBER 5 | WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1998 | ISSN 1199-5246 |

National Campaign raises $91 million for York

HERE'S TO YORK: Steve Dranitsaris of the School of Physical Education and Brigitte Kleer of the Faculty of Fine Arts were among those celebrating the donations to student scholarships at a breakfast reception for faculty, staff and retirees.

by Mary Ann Horgan


The National Campaign for York University is well on its way to reaching the $100 million goal, members of the York community were told recently.

A celebration breakfast for faculty, staff and retirees was held on Sept. 25 to recognize donations to the campaign from those three groups of the York community. An estimated 250 people attended the elegant buffet breakfast over the course of two hours as a student musical trio performed classical tunes during the event in Winters Dining Hall.

York University President Lorna Marsden described the campaign as extraordinarily successful. "It's an enormous pleasure for me to tell you that 67 per cent of the faculty, staff and retirees at York have made contributions to the campaign," Marsden said. "That is one of the highest university participation rates, and it's marvellous. It's something we can be proud of for many years to come."

"Despite all the tough times that York has been though, despite the long strike that made so many people unhappy, and despite the budget cuts, you all made a commitment to us through your donation, as well as the work and creativity you give to the university every day," she said. "Thank you to each and every one of you for being the cornerstone of the National Campaign."

Gary J. Smith, vice-president (university advancement) (BA Glendon, '68) also commended York's participation rate. He said that the internal campaign raised $5 million, including a $2 million donation from the faculty, staff and retirees. This amount raised internally was matched by the provincial government through the Ontario Student Opportunities Trust Fund. "This money is going to bursaries, which will be a lasting legacy for students for years to come," said Smith. "Your contributions are vital, and have enhanced accessibility for students to York."

"These contributions will help build a strong reputation for York, and in turn, York can recruit excellent faculty and students," Smith said. "Thanks to all members of our York family for making the internal campaign such an overwhelming success."

The National Campaign was scheduled to close at the end of 1999, but "we're confident we can bring it in at the end of this year," said Smith. "We are so pleased to have gone over the $91 million mark. We have $9 million left to go, and everyone in Development is working hard to ensure that we will meet that goal by the end of this year."

Steve Dranitsaris from the School of Physical Education, and Brigitte Kleer from the Faculty of Fine Arts joked about an "unofficial fundraising competition" between Physical Education and Fine Arts. Kleer said, "We were running neck and neck, but then Fine Arts surpassed Phys. Ed., and I said, 'Don't feel bad, Steve. We have three times the people you do.' But then I thought about the salaries that athletes make, compared to what our artists make, and I thought twice [about consoling him]," she laughed.

In closing the speeches, Marsden thanked the faculty, staff, and retirees who made donations first and then went around to their peers and colleagues and asked them to do the same. "It's very hard to ask for a gift unless you've made a gift, so those of you who set the first example have been very generous and have done us all proud."

York University "thank you" mugs were distributed to those faculty, staff and retirees who attended the breakfast. If you were invited but were not able to attend, you can still obtain your mug by contacting the Office of Development at (416) 736-9675 during business hours.

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