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Deadline Dates


Research Development Initiatives

SSHRC's Research Development Initiatives program supports a variety of activities which will contribute to the structuring, integration and transfer of knowledge in the social sciences and humanities. Support may be for a variety of activities, which may include meetings and electronic gatherings, networking and communication initiatives, intensive research institutes, and state-of-the-art activities. SSHRC funds up to $50,000/year for up to three years.

Deadline: Oct. 29

Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research (CFDR)

Consumer Research Grants

CFDR offers up to $20,000 to support investigations that enhance our understanding of how best to enable consumers to achieve healthy eating. Research projects should address an aspect of the following themes: developing and/or communicating relevant nutrition messages for Canadian consumers; and identifying, understanding, and/or influencing factors that enable or hinder consumers in achieving healthy eating.

Deadline: Oct. 31

German-American Academic Council Foundation

Trans-Co-op Program

The German-American Academic Council Foundation funds up to $70,000 in support of three-year joint research projects among German, US and/or Canadian scholars in the fields of the humanities, social sciences, economics and law. Each project must be matched by funds from US and/or Canadian sources.

Deadline: Oct. 31

Hospital for Sick Children

External Grants Program

The Hospital for Sick Children supports biomedical, psychosocial and applied research projects that are relevant to the health of Canada's children and significant in terms of their potential impact on health outcome. Funding is available for $65,000/year for up to two years.

mid-/late October

Alzheimer's Association: Zenith Fellows Award Program (letter of intent due; full application due early December)

Oct. 29

International Council for Canadian Studies: Foreign Government Awards Program (for Finland, France and Mexico)

SSHRC: Research Development Initiatives Program

Oct. 30

York University (administered by ORA): SSHRC Conference Travel Grants

Oct. 31

Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research (CFDR): Consumer Research Grants

Fondation Fyssen: International Prize

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (FAITC): Visiting Foreign Artists Program (deadline to inform ORA of intent to apply; applications due at FAITC Dec. 31)

German-American Academic Council Foundation: Trans-Co-op Program

Hospital for Sick Children Foundation: External Grants Program (letter of intent due; full application due Oct. 31)

Humanities Research Centre (Australian National University): Visiting Fellowships

Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF): Postdoctoral Fellowships in Science and Engineering

Millennium Bureau of Canada: Canada Millennium Partnership Program

Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI): Women and Development Awards in India for Canadians

York University (administered by ORA): SSHRC Small Grants Program

late October

Alzheimer's Association: Investigator Initiated Research (full application due; letter of intent due early October)

Extended Office Hours

ORA would like to remind faculty members that we are offering extended office hours to assist faculty members in processing their SSHRC and NSERC research grant applications. ORA will be open until 8pm on Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 13 and 14, as well as Oct. 27 and 28. SSHRC Standard Research grant applications must be postmarked by Oct. 15, and NSERC Research and Equipment grant applications must be received by NSERC by no later than Nov. 1. Faculty members are strongly encouraged to submit their applications to ORA one to two weeks prior to these deadline dates.

ORA logo

The Office of Research Administration (ORA) would like to remind faculty members of these research opportunities with upcoming deadlines. Deadlines listed are those of the granting agencies. Applications for external sources of funding (i.e., outside York) must be submitted to ORA before forwarding them to the agencies. To assist in meeting these deadlines, it is recommended that applications be submitted to ORA one to two weeks prior to the deadline dates.

For more information, please contact ORA at -55055 in S414 Ross Building (e-mail: research@yorku.ca).

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