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Deadline Dates


Canadian Tobacco Research Initiative

In conjunction with the National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC). SSHRC is offering funding to stimulate research that will influence and guide policy decisions in tobacco control, or have direct impact on policy decisions in tobacco control, to develop Canada's policy research capacity on tobacco control, and to develop effective public policy around important issues in tobacco control. Up to $50,000/year is available for three-year grants. In addition, one-year Fast Track Grants of up to $25,000 are available to take advantage of 'fleeting opportunities'.

Deadline: April 30


Community-University Research Alliances: Housing Initiative

Under its Community-University Research Alliances (CURA) program, and in conjunction with the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), SSHRC is offering a supplement to those interested in enhancing mutual learning and horizontal collaboration between community organisations and universities in areas of housing. The objectives of this program are to contribute to the social, cultural and/or economic development of communities, and enrich housing research, teaching methods and curricula in the community in areas of housing. Priority areas include Housing in Sustainable Communities and Aboriginal Housing in Canada. Funding will be $325,000/year for three years.

Deadline: April 10.

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

University Partnerships in Cooperation and Development Program (UPCDP): Tier I

The UPCDP is intended to increase, in a sustainable manner, the capacity of developing countries to educate and train the human resources required to meet their priority development needs. To this end, the UPCDP will support, on the basis of merit, projects and programs proposed by Canadian universities, in collaboration with developing countries which help to produce this impact by achieving the following outcomes: * the strengthening of developing country institutions responsible for the training of human resources; * the establishment of linkages fostering sustainable partnerships between Canadian universities and developing country institutions; * the internationalization of Canadian universities in all aspects of their mission and the promotion of Canadian university expertise in higher education; and * the development education of Canadian universities and the community they serve. Up to $5 million is available over a five-year period.

Deadline: May 12 to CIDA.

Please note: Since the University is limited to the number of proposals it can submit, potential applicants were requested to notify ORA of their intent to apply by March 15. Those who are considering applying, and have not yet informed ORA, should do so as soon as possible.

April 10

SSHRC: Community-University Research Alliances (CURA)

April 14

Health and Long-Term Care (Ontario Ministry of): Health Research Personnel Development Fund: Career Scientist Award

April 15

American Historical Association: Eugene Asher Distinguished Award for Post-Secondary Teaching

Canadian Bar Association: Law for the Future Fund

Dairy Cattle Genetics Research and Development Council (DairyGen): Research and Development Grants

Dairy Farmers of Canada: Nutrition Research Funding Program (letter of intent due; full application due August 1)

German Academic Exchange Service: DAAD-AICGS Grant

National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC): Program Project Grants (letter of intent due; full proposal due September 1)

NSERC: Various Research Partnerships Programs; Strategic Project Grants

April 28

Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC): Scotiabank Awards for Excellence in Internationalization

Science and Technology Foundation of Japan: Japan Prize

April 30

Hospital for Sick Children: External Grants Program for New Investigators

International Development Research Centre (IDRC): Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health: Academic Fellowships (letter of intent due; full application is due June 30)

March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation: Research Grants (letters of intent due; full applications due September 30)

Parkinson Foundation of Canada: Fellowship, Research Grant, Wherret Fellowship

Roeher (G. Allan) Institute: Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation Major Research Grants; Research Grants in Intellectual Disability

SSHRC: Canadian Tobacco Research Initiative Policy Research Grants (joint initiative with the National Cancer Institute of Canada)

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The Office of Research Administration (ORA) would like to remind faculty members of these research opportunities with upcoming deadlines. Deadlines listed are those of the granting agencies. Applications for external sources of funding (i.e., outside York) must be submitted to ORA before forwarding them to the agencies. To assist in meeting these deadlines, it is recommended that applications be submitted to ORA one to two weeks prior to the deadline dates.

For more information, please contact ORA at -55055 in S414 Ross Building (e-mail: research@yorku.ca).

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