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Deadline Dates


Fall 2000 Competition

The Office of Research Administration (ORA) is already preparing for the upcoming SSHRC competition for Standard Research Grants (deadline: October 15, 2000). Full- and part-time faculty are eligible to apply for one-, two-, or three-year research programs requiring between $5,000-$250,000 in any fields in the social sciences and humanities. ORA organizes information seminars throughout the spring and summer, and up-dated guidelines and application forms are usually received from SSHRC in the summer. If you are considering applying next fall, please contact ORA to inform them of your intent, so they can send you the up-dated information as it becomes available.

Change Foundation

The Change Foundation's objective is to facilitate innovation in health and health care delivery by providing seed money intended to incubate ideas with a focus on evaluation. In general, the Foundation's mandate is to promote, support and improve health and the delivery of health care through: applied operation research and analysis; development projects; education; and grants to charities. The value of the grants are $100,000 over two years.

Deadline: early May for letter of intent; early August for full application.

International Society of Arboriculture Research Trust

Hyland R. Johns Grant Program

Up to $20,000 is available to fund projects of interest and benefit to the arboricultural industry. The focus of the projects can be on the biology, management and care of trees, and their relation to environmental, social and economic benefits.

Deadline: May 1

Research Corporation

Research Innovation Awards Research Opportunity Awards

The Research Corporation supports: * New scientific research of potential importance to a field of science or human endeavor; * Novel approach to long-standing problem; * Research that may create a new tool of potential importance to scientific investigation; * Applying expertise and insights from one area to advance another discipline; * Creative solutions to an interdisciplinary problem of recognized importance. The Research Innovation Awards provide up to $35,000 (U.S.) for those in their first tenure-track position began in either the preceding or the current calendar year. The Research Opportunity Awards support tenured faculty who are without major funding. Support can be requested for equipment essential to the research, supplies and chemicals, student and postdoctoral stipends, travel for consultation or to use necessary equipment and facilities, and research leaves to initiate a new project.

Deadline: May 1

early May

Change Foundation: Research Grants (letter of intent due; full application due early August)

McLean Foundation: Research Grants

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board: Research Program (full application due; letter of intent due late January)

May 1

Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (University of Alberta): Research Grants

Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation: Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Distinguished Scientist Award for Schizophrenia Research

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): Information Visits

Health and Human Services (U.S. Department of): Public Health Service Grants: AIDS-related Grants

International Society of Arboriculture Research Trust: Hyland R. Johns Grant Program

NATO: Science Program (Cooperative Science and Technology related to 'Security-Related Civil Science')

Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE): Networks of Centres of Excellence Program

Research Corporation: Research Innovation Awards; Research Opportunity Awards

SSHRC: Aid to Occasional Research Conferences and International Congresses in Canada

Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc.: Regular Grants, Richard Carley Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowships

York University (Atkinson College): Kitty Lundy Memorial Fund

York University (administered by ORA): Specific Research Grants

May 10

Health and Human Services (U.S. Department of): Institutional National Research Service Award

Rockefeller Foundation (Bellagio Study and Conference Centre): Individual, Collaborative and Parallel Residencies; International Conferences; Team Residencies

May 12

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA): University Partnerships in Cooperation and Development Program (UPCDP): Tier I (letter of intent due; full application due in January 2001)

ORA logo

The Office of Research Administration (ORA) would like to remind faculty members of these research opportunities with upcoming deadlines. Deadlines listed are those of the granting agencies. Applications for external sources of funding (i.e., outside York) must be submitted to ORA before forwarding them to the agencies. To assist in meeting these deadlines, it is recommended that applications be submitted to ORA one to two weeks prior to the deadline dates.

For more information, please contact ORA at -55055 in S414 Ross Building (e-mail: research@yorku.ca).

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