ELBOW 2001
The Effects of Lake Breezes On Weather
The Effects of Lake Breezes On Weather (ELBOW) field experiment is being
conducted from May 1 to August 31, 2001. The project is a collaborative effort of the
Meteorological Service of Canada, York University, University of Western Ontario and
University of Guelph - Ridgetown College. Other contributing agencies are The Weather Network
and the US National Weather Service. The primary objectives of the experiment are:
- to improve our understanding of the way in which low-level mesoscale boundaries, such as
lake breeze fronts, interact among themselves and with synoptic-scale weather features
to initiate or enhance convective storms and generate severe or extreme weather events,
including tornadoes and flash floods, and
- to evaluate and improve current methods of short-range forecasting and nowcasting for lake
breeze occurrence, location of lake breeze frontal boundaries and circulations, and the
initiation and enhancement of thunderstorms and related severe weather at lake breeze
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May 1, 2001.
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M3J 1P3