Harriet's Daughter by NourbeSe Philip
A Teacher's Guide
Curriculum Themes
- This slide lays out the overall objective of the presentation in a constellation. It shows an array of activities that can be done relating to and emerging from this novel to introduce Harriet’s Daughter by NourbeSe Phillip. It starts with the “Travel Planner”, and moves clock-wise – all centered around the novel. On this continuum, buttons can be added or removed, depending upon the teacher’s curriculum choices and depth of presentation of the material.
- Successful presentation of this rubric has many moving parts, each of them will lead to wider discussions of similar circumstances across diversity and experience. The accent tag for example should be completed by students to reveal numerous accents, nation languages which will further attune students to the sounds of a diverse and vibrant Canada. Regardless of each students heritage, the journey outlined in Harriet’s Daughter will introduce students to coping mechanisms and instill a resistance; two progressive stops on Harriet’s freedom train.