Bee Genera of Chile
Tip: To view full-size images of the bees, click on the thumbnail images. The full-size image will be shown in a new tab.
Note: Image compression has resulted in a slight loss of saturation in many of the thumbnails visible on this page. The full-size images are more accurate and more beautiful.
Produced by Laurence Packer, Liam Graham and Jonathan Huang with funding from Robert and Cecily Bradshaw – for which we are extremely grateful.
The system used to take the images was purchased through the Canadian Foundation for Innovation and Ontario Research Fund through Canadensys, a grant led by Anne Bruneau. This system has been invaluable for our work and we are most grateful to the funding agencies and Anne and the Canadensys team for making its purchase possible. We are grateful to Ray Larimer and his colleagues at Visionary Digital for producing this equipment, training us on how to use it and responding to queries as they arose.
Many of the bees imaged from PCYU were collected by past laboratory members. We are grateful for their work. Many of the bees were collected while we were on fieldtrips that were funded from a variety of sources, primarily NSERC and National Geographic.
We thank Luisa Ruz, John Ascher, Sheila Dumesh, Felipe Vivallo, Eduardo Almeida, Rafael Ferrari, James Postlethwaite, Rocio Gonzalez Vaquero for assistance with identifications.
These images, except when provided by other researchers, can be used for any non-profit-making endeavour simply by letting us know that you are using them and telling us how you are doing so. Please consider providing a donation if you are able.
About the Image Bank
Some caveats are needed concerning some details of this image bank.
First, the classification of bees used herein is somewhat idiosyncratic, and will change as our understanding of the bees improves: the site will be updated occasionally. In general, we follow Michener (2007), but have raised some subgenera to genus level (thereby permitting their inclusion), especially when more recent work suggests this. However, we have not been consistent. The reasons for the lack of consistency are sometimes because we think that the changes might not be robust to further research, but most often it is because we have not had the opportunity to evaluate the recommendations in sufficient detail to make a decision. This image bank will change over time.
Second, this is a work in progress and the current state of the images has some shortcomings. In particular, we will be adding scale bars and adding some missing locality labels as time permits. Also, when material available is limited, some of the specimens are not exactly in pristine condition. We hope this too will change over time.
Family: Colletidae
Subfamily: Colletinae
Subfamily: Neopasiphaeinae
Subfamily: Diphaglossinae
Subfamily: Xeromelissinae
Subfamily: Hylaeinae
Family: Andrenidae
Subfamily: Andreninae
Subfamily: Panurginae
Family: Halictidae
Subfamily: Rophitinae
Subfamily: Halictinae
Family: Megachilidae
Subfamily: Fideliinae
(New genus) (Male not known), Male
Subfamily: Lithurginae
Subfamily: Megachilinae
Family: Apidae
Subfamily: Xylocopinae
Subfamily: Nomadinae
Triepeolus sp., Female
Subfamily: Apinae
Ph.D. (Toronto)
Professor of Biology
416-736-2100 ext. 22663
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario
M3J1P3, Canada