SOCIAL SCIENCE 1430 9.0/ESL1439 9.0
Fall Term
Sept. 13 Introduction to the Course
Sept. 20 What is Development?
- Black, Maggie, Introduction” (8-10), “The History of an Idea” (10-29) and “Social Progress Matters” (71-89), in Maggie Black, “The No-Nonsense Guide to International Development,” Toronto: Between the Lines, 2002, Required Book (RB).
Sept. 27 Modernization Perspectives
- J. Isbister, ”Modernization Theory”, in Isbister, Promises Not Kept, USA: Kumarian Press, 2006, Seventh Edition (32-41), Reading Kit (RK).
- Harrison, Lawrence, “Underdevelopment is a State of Mind” in Seligson, Mitchel and John Passe-Smith (eds.) Development and Underdevelopment. The Political Economy of Global Inequality, Boulder: Lynne Riener, 2008, Fourth Edition (227-235), RK
- Lipset, Seymor, “Values, Education and Entrepreneurship,” in Klaren, Peter and Thomas Bossert (eds.), Promise of Development. Theories of Change in Latin America, Boulder: Westview Press, 1986 (39-59), RK.
First Essay assignment handed out in class
Oct. 4 Dependency Perspectives
- J. Isbister, ”Dependency Theory”, in Isbister, Promises Not Kept, USA: Kumarian Press, 2006, Seventh Edition (41-49), RK.
- E. Galeano, “Lust for Gold, Lust for Silver” (30-33; 38-49); “King Sugar and Other Agricultural Monarchs” (71-85; 91-96; 100-104) in Eduardo Galeano, The Open Veins of Latin America, New York: Monthly Review Press, 1973, RK.
Oct. 11 Reading Week
Oct. 18 Gender and Development
- R. Pearson, “Rethinking Gender Matters in Development” in Poverty and Development Into the 21st Century (383-402).
- Martinez, Andrea, “Gender and Development: Issues and Struggles of Third World Women,” in Introduction to International Development. Approaches, Actors, and Issues, ed. by Haslam, Paul, Jessica Shafer, and Pierre Beaudet, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009 (83-102), RK.
Second Essay assignment handed out in class
Oct. 25 Environment and Development
- Sick, Deborah, “Environment and Development,” in Introduction to International Development. Approaches, Actors, and Issues, ed. by Haslam, Paul, Jessica Shafer, and Pierre Beaudet, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009 (305-322), Scott Reserve.
- Black, Maggie, “Enter Sustainability,” in Maggie Black, “The No-Nonsense Guide to International Development,” Toronto: Between the Lines, 2002 (190-110), RB.
Nov. 1 Pre-colonial Societies
- J. Bujra, "Diversity in Pre-Capitalist Societies", in Poverty and Development Into the 21st Century (219-233; 239-240), RB.
Note: Section 10.4 “Cultural Movements” (pages 233-239) not required.
- Robbins, Richard, “The Era of the Global Trader” in Richard Robbins, Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism, New York: Allyn and Bacon: 1999 (68-82), RK.
Nov. 8 European Expansionism, Colonialism & the Emergence of Capitalism
Video: Asia and the Challenge of the West - The Two Coasts of China, The Pacific Century Series (Scott Video 2693)
- Bernstein, "Colonialism, Capitalism, Development" in Poverty and Development Into the 21st Century (241-270), RB.
- Robbins, Richard, “The Rise of the Trading Companies,” “The Era of the Industrialist,” “Textiles and the Rise of the Factory System” in Richard Robbins, Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism, New York: Allyn and Bacon: 1999 (82-91), RK.
Nov. 15 Colonialism & the Development of Underdevelopment
- T. Lewellen, “The Creation of the Third World. A Brief History”, in Lewellen, Dependency and Development. An Introduction to the Third World, London: Bergin & Garvey, 1995 (19-48), RK.
- Robbins, Richard, “The Age of Imperialism” (92-96) in Richard Robbins, Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism, New York: Allyn and Bacon: 1999, RK.
Nov. 22 The Power of Colonial States
Video: This Magnificent African Cake (Scott Video 1211)
- D. Potter, “The Power of Colonial States” in Poverty and Development Into the 21st. Century (271-287), RB.
Nov. 29 Nationalism, Independence and Neo-colonialism
Video: The Rise of Nationalism/The Legacy (Scott Video 1212-1213)
- J. Isbister, "Nationalism and Independence", in J. Isbister, Promises Not Kept, USA: Kumarian Press, 2006, Seventh Edition (101-145), RK.
Dec. 6 The Elusive Search for Development
- T. Hewitt, "Half a Century of Development" in Poverty and Development Into the 21st. Century (289-308), RB.
Exam Study-Guide handed out in class
Exam period: December 8-22
Note: We will not know the exact date of the exam until the Registrar’s Office releases the Exam Schedule in late October/early November. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are available to sit for examinations during the entire exam period. We strongly recommend that you do not make any travel arrangements until you know the exact date of the exam. If you must book your travel before the exam schedule is announced you must make sure not to travel prior to the end of the exam period (December 22).
Winter Term
Jan. 3 Globalization and Development
- McGrew, “Sustainable Globalization? The Global Politics of Development and Exclusion in the New World Order” in Poverty and Development Into the 21st. Century (345-364), RB.
Jan. 10 Neoliberalism, TNCs & the New International Division of Labour
Video: The Corporation, Part one
- George, Susan, “…We Know What we are Taking About,” in Susan George, Another World is Possible If…, New York: Verso, 2004 (3-28), RK.
- Haslam, Paul, “Multinational Corporations,” in Introduction to International Development. Approaches, Actors, and Issues, ed. by Haslam, Paul, Jessica Shafer, and Pierre Beaudet, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009 (191-210), Scott Reserve.
Research Essay assignment handed out in class
Jan. 17 Structural Adjustment and Global Institutions
Video: Banking on Life and Debt. Update 2000 (Scott Video 6803)
- Green, Duncan, “The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank” in Duncan Green, Silent Revolution. The Rise of Market Economics in Latin America, London: Latin America Bureau, 1995 (32-59), RK.
- Barlow, Maude, “Setting the Stage for Corporate Control of Water,” in Maude Barlow, The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water, Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2007 (34-67), RB.
Jan. 24 The Politics of Development - Searching for Alternatives
- Black, Maggie, “Development is Political,” in Maggie Black, “The No-Nonsense Guide to International Development,” Toronto: Between the Lines, 2002 (111-129), RB.
- Barlow & Clarke, “Protecting Essentials”, “Defending Humanity”, “Citizen’s Agenda” (123-178) in M. Barlow and T. Clarke, Global Showdown. How the New Activists are Fighting Global Corporate Rule, Canada: Stoddart Publishing Co. Ltd., 2002, RK.
Jan. 31 Struggles for the Right to Water
- Barlow, Maude, “The Water Hunters Move In” and “The Water Warriors Fight Back”, in Maude Barlow, The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water, Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2007 (68-141), RB.
Feb. 07 Building Ethical Trade Relations: Fair Trade
- Fridell, Gavin, “Free Trade and Fair Trade,” in Introduction to International Development. Approaches, Actors, and Issues, ed. by Haslam, Paul, Jessica Shafer, and Pierre Beaudet, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009 (271-286), Scott Reserve.
- Selected Readings from Fair Trade Federation and Global Exchange, RK.
Feb. 14 Reading Week
Feb. 21 Population and Development
- T. Hewitt and I. Smyth, “Is the World Overpopulated?” in Poverty and Development Into the 21st. Century (125-140), RB.
Feb. 28 Food Production: the Green & Genetic Revolutions
- Roberts, Paul, “The End of Hunger” in Paul Roberts, The End of Food, New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2008 (144-174), RK.
- K. Leisinger, “Can Biotechnology End Hunger? Yes: Stop Blocking Progress”, Foreign Policy, No.119, Summer 2000 (113-122), RK.
- M. Altieri, “Can Biotechnology End Hunger? No, Poor Farmers Won’t Reap the Benefits”, Foreign Policy, No.119, Summer 2000 (123-131), RK.
March 6 Agribusiness and the Politics of Food
- Rosset, Peter, “Food Sovereignty in Latin America: Confronting the New Crisis” NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol.42, No.3, May-June 2009 (16-21), RK.
- Shiva, Vandana, “The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply” (5-20), “The Stolen Harvest of Seed” (79-94), “Genetic Engineering and Food Security” (95-116) in Vandana Shiva, Stolen Harvest. The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply, Cambridge: South End Press, 2000, RB.
March 13 Third World Urbanization
Video: Making Do (Scott Video 0586)
- J. Beall, “Life in the Cities” in Poverty and Development Into the 21st. Century (425-442), RB.
March 20 Urban Poverty, Slums and Informal Employment
Video: Villa El Salvador. A Desert Dream (Scott Video 0089)
- Mike Davis, “Planet of Slums. Urban Involution and the Informal Proletariat,” New Left Review, 26, London: March-April, 2004 (5-34), RK.
March 27 Engaged Citizens, Participatory Democracy and Development
- Baiocchi, Gianpaolo, “The Citizens of Porto Alegre - in which Marco borrows bus fare and enters politics,” Boston Review, March/April 2006. Available at http://www.bostonreview.net/BR31.2/baiocchi.html
- Black, Maggie, “Where Next?” in Maggie Black, “The No-Nonsense Guide to International Development,” Toronto: Between the Lines, 2002 (130-140), RB.
Exam Study-Guide handed out in class
Exam period: April 4-20
Note: We will not know the exact date of the exam until the Registrar’s Office releases the Exam Schedule in late February/early March. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are available to sit for examinations during the entire exam period. We strongly recommend that you do not make any travel arrangements until you know the exact date of the exam. If you must book your travel before the exam schedule is announced, you must make sure not to travel prior to the end of the exam period (April 20).