Sept. 6 |
Introduction to the course |
I. |
The Conquest of Pre-Columbian Societies |
Sept.13 |
The Conquest of Pre-Columbian Societies
Readings: Burns, Chapters 1 & 2, “Land & People”, “From Conquest to Empire” (1-62). |
Sept. 20 |
Political Independence & National Consolidation
Readings: Burns, Chapters 3 & 4, “Independence”, “New Nations” (63-120). |
Sept.27 |
Capitalist Modernization – From Colonialism to Neo-Colonialism
Readings: Burns, Chapters 5 & 6, “The Emergence of the Modern State”, “New Actors on an Old Stage” (121-178). |
Oct. 4 |
Dependency & Globalization – Commodity Trade, ISI & Free-Market Capitalism
Video: Life and Debt (2001, 80 min. SMIL 6595)
Readings: Green, Chapters 1 & 5, “The Curse of Wealth”, “Growing Pains” (5-22; 73-86) |
Oct. 11 |
In-class test |
II. |
Oct. 18 |
Agribusiness in Latin America
Video: Fed Up! (2002, 57 min., SMIL 7224)
Readings: Barndt, Introduction & Chapter 1, “Introduction. Roots & Routes”, “Across Space and Through Time: Tomatl Meets the Corporate Tomato” (1-53); Green, Chapter 2, “Promised Land: Land Ownership, Power and Conflict” (23-35).
Oct. 25 |
Agribusiness in Latin America
Video: Playing with Poison (2001, 47 min., SMIL 6244)
Readings: Barndt, Chapter 6, “Picking and Packing for the North” (165-208). |
Nov. 1 |
Agribusiness in the North
Readings: Barndt, Chapters 3 & 4, “Arch Deluxe with a Smile: Women Never Stop at MacDonalds”, “You can Count on Us: Scanning Cashiers at Loblaws Supermarkets (82-154). |
III. |
Nov. 8 |
The Development of Latin American Cities
Video: Sustainable Urban Living: a South American Case Study (2003, 25’, SMIL 7606)
Readings: Green, Chapter 4, “Mean Streets: Migration and Life in the Cities” (partial read, 59-63); Roberts et. al. “Hazards of an Urban Continent”, in T. Roberts and N. Thanos Trouble in Paradise. Globalization and the Environmental Crisis in Latin America, New York: Routledge, 2003 (94-127). |
Nov. 15 |
Working in Cities: Urban Poverty & the Informal Sector
Video: Making Do
Readings: Green, “Mean Streets: Migration and Life in the Cities” (partial read, 68-70); Medina, Martin, “The Cardboard Collectors of Nuevo Laredo: How Scavengers Protect the Environment and Benefit the Economy”, in Susan Eckstein and Timothy Wickham-Crowley (eds.) Struggles for Social Rights in Latin America, New York: Routledge, 2003 (103-121).
Nov. 22 |
Building Cities: Squatter Communities & Low-Income Housing
Video: Villa El Salvador – A Desert Dream
Readings: Green, “Mean Streets: Migration and Life in the Cities” (partial read, 63-68). Gilbert, "Housing Strategies” in Alan Gilbert The Latin American City,
London: The Latin American Bureau, 1994 (79-102). |
Nov. 29 |
Nov. 29 In-class test (2 hrs.) |
Winter Term |
IV. |
Jan. 3 |
Gender Relations
Readings: Green, Chapter 10, “Women’s Work: Gender and Politics” (165-182); Nathan, Debbie “Work, Sex and Danger in Ciudad Juarez.” NACLA Report on the Americas, Nov 1999 v33 i3 p24
Jan. 10 |
Race Relations
Readings: Please note: NACLA readings available on-line through Scott Library. Sansone, Livio, “Anti-Racism in Brazil” NACLA Report on the Americas, 38:2 September/October 2004 (26-31); Hernandez-Reguant, Ariana, “Blackness with a Cuban Beat” NACLA Report on the Americas, 38:2 September/October 2004 (31-36); Badillo, Casandra, “’Only my Hairdresser Knows for Sure’: Stories of Race, Hair and Gender” NACLA Report on the Americas, 35:6 (May/June) 2001 (35-37).
Jan.17 |
Ethnic Relations
Readings: Please note: NACLA readings available on-line through Scott Library. Green, Duncan, Chapter 11, “Race Against Time: Indigenours Peoples” in D. Green, Faces of Latin America. London: Latin American Bureau, 1997 (183-198); Roberts et. al. “Indigenous Peoples, Development Megaprojects, and Internet Resistance” (165-191); Hale, Charles, “Rethinking Indigenous Politics in the Era of the ‘Indio Permitido’”, NACLA Report on the Americas, 38:2 September/October 2004 (16-21). |
Jan. 24 |
Globalization and the Zapatista Rebellion
Video: A Place Called Chiapas
Readings: Gossen, Gary (1996),"Maya Zapatistas Move to the Ancient Future", American Anthropologist, vol. 98, no. 3, September (528-538). |
Jan. 31 |
Community-Based Movements – Resisting Neoliberalism & Dictatorship
Readings: Fisher, “The Kitchen Never Stopped” in J. Fisher, Out of the Shadows. Women, Resistance and Politics in South America, 1993; Hays-Mitchell, Maureen, “Resisting Austerity: a Gendered Perspective on Neo-Liberal Restructuring in Peru” in Caroline Sweetman (ed.) Gender, Development and Poverty. Oxford: Oxfam GB, 2002 (71-81) |
Feb.7 |
The Human Rights Movement– Motherhood & Politics
Readings: Fisher, "Argentina: Where Are Our Children?" (103-138); Steif, William, “The Mothers Open a Coffee Shop”, The Progressive, October 1999, 16.
Feb. 14 |
Reading Week |
Feb. 21 |
Struggles for Labour Rights in Export-Processing Plants
Video: The Emperor’s New Clothes (1995, 53 min., SMIL 3948)
Readings: Ching Luie, “La Mujer Luchando, El Mundo Transformando! Mexican Immigrant Women Workers” , in Ching Luie, Miriam, Sweatshop Warriors. Immigrant Women Workers Take on the Global Factory, Cambridge, Massachusetts: South End Press, 2001 (63-100); Anner, Mark, “Defending Labour Rights Across Borders: Central American Export-Processing Plants” in Susan Eckstein and Timothy Wickham-Crowley (eds.) Struggles for Social Rights in Latin America, New York: Routledge, 2003 (147-166). |
Feb. 28 |
Fair Trade - Searching for Alternatives to Free Trade
Video: “Java, Jives”
Readings: “Bitter Coffee: How the Poor are Paying for the Slump in Coffee Prices” OXFAM, 2002; Fridell, Gavin, “The Fair Trade Network in Historical Perspective”, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Vol.XXV, No 3, 2004. |
VI. |
March 7 |
Understanding Popular Culture
Readings: Green, Chapter 6: “Writing on the Wall” (89-105); S. Bermudez, “Popular Culture in Latin America” in Philip Swanson (ed.) The Companion to Latin American Studies. London: Arnold, 2003 (172-184). |
March 14 |
Sports, Culture & Politics: Soccer
Readings: M. Shirts, "Socrates, Corinthians, and Questions of Democracy and Citizenship" in J. Arbena (ed.) Sport and Society in Latin America. New York: Greenwood Press, 1988; J. Arbena, "Sport and Social Change in Latin America" in Ingham, A. and J. Loy (eds.) Sport in Social Development. Traditions, Transitions and Transformations, Canada: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1993. |
March 21 |
Music, Cultural Resistance and Identity: Salsa & Merengue
Readings: P. Manuel, Caribbean Currents. Caribbean Music From Rumba to Reggae, Chapters 4 & 5: "Salsa and Beyond", "The Dominican Republic" (72-116) |
March 28 |
In-class Test |