State and Civil Society in Latin America
Jan. 4: Introduction to the Course
Jan. 11: The Changing Role of the State: From Provision to Enablement
- Gwynne, R. and C. Kay “Latin America Transformed: Changing Paradigms, Debates and Alternatives” in Gwynne, Robert and Cristobal Kay (eds.) Latin America Transformed. Globalization and Modernity, New York: Oxford University Press, 1999 (2-29).
- Vellinga, Menno, “The Changing Role of the State in Latin America”, in Vellinga, Menno (ed.) The Changing Role of the State in Latin America, Boulder: Westview Press, 1998 (1-25). (Reserve JL 960 C45)
Jan. 18: The Changing Role of Civil Society: an Agent of Development & Democracy?
- Van Roy, Alison, “Civil Society as Idea: An Analytical Hatstand?” in Van Roy, Alison (ed.) Civil Society and the Aid Industry: The Politics and Promise, London and the North-South Institute, Ottawa: Earthscan, 1998 (6-30). (Reserve JC 336 C49)
- Howell, Jude and Jenny Pearce, “Civil Society in Regional Perspective: SubSaharan Africa, Central Asia, and Latin America” (pages 203-221) in Howell, Jude and Jenny Pearce Civil Society and Development. A Critical Exploration. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001. (Reserve JC 337 H68)
Jan.25: Social Movements: Contentious Politics, Institutionalization & Citizenship
- Foweraker, Joe, “New Political Actors” in Foweraker, Joe, Landman, Todd, and Neil Harvey (eds.) Governing Latin America, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2003 (147-165). (Reserve F1414.2 F69)
- Dagnino, Evelina, “Citizenship in Latin America: An Introduction”, Latin American Perspectives, 30, 2, March 2003 (211-225). (Read pages: 211-219).
Feb. 1: NGOs: Agents of Development?
- Pearce, Jenny, “Between Co-option and Irrelevance? Latin American NGOs in the 1990s”, in Hulme, D. and M. Edwards (eds.) Too Close for Comfort? NGOs, States, and Donors, London: MacMillan, 1997 (257-274). (Reserve HC 60 N5)
- Petras, James & Henry Veltmayer, “NGOs in the Service of Imperialism” in Petras & Veltmayer Globalization Unmasked. Imperialism in the 21st Century, Halifax: Fernwood Publ;ishing/Zed Books, 2001 (128-138)
- MacDonald, Laura, “NGOs and the Discourse of Participatory Development in Costa Rica”, in Veltmeyer, Henry and Anthony O'Malley (eds). Transcending Neoliberalism: Community-based Development in Latin America, Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press, 2001 (125-153). (Reserve HN 110.5 Z9 C646)
Feb.8: Social Capital: the “Missing Link” in Development?
- Michael Woolcock and Deepa Narayan, “Social Capital: Implications for Development Theory, Research, and Policy,” World Bank Research Observer, vol. 15, no. 2, August 2000 (225-249).
- Harriss, J., “The Trojan Horse? Social Capital in the World Bank”, in Harriss, John, Depoliticising Development. The World Bank and Social Capital, New Delhi: Left Word Books, 2001 (76-97). (Reserve HC 79 C3 H367)
Feb. 22: Municipal Decentralization: Local Government & Participatory Democracy
- Kees Koonings, “Strengthening Citizenship in Brazil's Democracy: Local Participatory Governance in Porto Alegre”, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 23:1, 2004 (79-99).
- Biaocchi, Gianpaolo, “Emergent Public Spheres: Talking Politics in Participatory Governance”, American Sociological Review, 68, 1, Feb 2003 (52-74).
- Canel, Eduardo. “Municipal Decentralization and Participatory Democracy: Building a New Mode of Urban Politics in Montevideo City?” European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. 2001 (25-46).
March 1: State-Civil Society Synergy: Community Mobilization & Participation
- Pezzoli, Keith, “Sustainability, Livelihood, and Community Mobilization in the Ajusco ‘Ecological Reserve’”, in Evans, Peter (ed.). Livable Cities? Urban Struggles for Livelihood and Sustainability. Berkely: University of California Press, 2002 (195-221). (Reserve HT 330 L58)
- Doane, Molly, “A Distant Jaguar: The Civil Society Project in Chimalapas”, Critique of Anthropology, Volume: 21 Number: 4, 2001 (361-382).
- Howard, Joanna, “Citizen Voice and Participation in Local Governance: Perspectives from Nicaragua”, Community Development Journal, Vol.39, Issue 3, July 2004 (224-233).
March 8: Peasant Movements: Mobilizing for Land & Community
- De Almeida, Lucio Flavio and Felix Ruiz Sanchez, "The Landless Workers' Movement and Social Struggle Against Neoliberalism”, Latin American Perspectives, vol. 27, no. 5, September 2000, pp. 11-32.
- Wolford, Wendy, "Producing Community: The MST and Land Reform Settlements in Brazil.”, Journal of Agrarian Change, vol. 3, no.4, October 2003, pp. 500-520.
March 15: Native Movements: Expanding Citizenship & Democracy?
- Deborah J. Yashar, "Contesting Citizenship: Indigenous Movements and Democracy in Latin America." Comparative Politics, Vol. 31, No. 1, 1998 (23-42).
- Laurie, Nina, Andolina Robert, and Sarah Radcliffe, “Ethnodevelopment: Social Movements, Creating Experts and Professionalizing Indigenous Knowledge in Ecuador”, Antipode, 37(3), Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005, 470-496.
March 22: Native Movements: Institutionalizing Participation
- Medeiros, Carmen, “Civilizing the Popular? The Law of Popular Participation and the Design of a New Civil Society in 1990s Bolivia”, Critique of Anthropology, Volume: 21, No.4, 2001 (401-425).
- J. Montgomery Roper, “Bolivian Legal Reforms and Local Indigenous Organizations. Opportunities and Obstacles in a Lowland Municipality”, Latin American Perspectives Vol. 30, No. 1, 2003 (139-161).
March 29: Searching from Alternatives to Neo-liberal Globalization: The World Social Forum
- Hammond, John L., “Another World Is Possible: Report from Porto Alegre”, Latin American Perspectives, 2003, 30, 3(130), May, 3-11
- Teivainen, Teivo, “The World Social Forum and Global Democratization: Learning from Porto Alegre”, Third World Quarterly, 2002, 23, 4, Aug, 621-632