Romanian Online Dialect Atlas
An experimental presentation of linguistic information
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Here is a list of published papers related to our project:

  • Embleton, Sheila, Dorin Uritescu & Eric Wheeler. 2007a. Romanian Online Dialect Atlas: Data Capture and Presentation. In Exact Methods in the Study of Language and Text. (Quantitative Linguistics, 62.) G. Altmann Festschrift. Peter Grzybek, Reinhard Koehler ed. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Pp 87-96

  • Embleton, Sheila, Dorin Uritescu & Eric Wheeler. 2007b. Digitized Dialect Studies: North-Western Romania. Presentation June 2007. forthcoming in the publications of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest.

  • Embleton, Sheila, Dorin Uritescu & Eric Wheeler. 2007c. Romanian Online Dialect Atlas (RODA). Notice board. Dialectologia et Geolinguistica. vol.15.

  • Embleton, Sheila, Dorin Uritescu & Eric Wheeler. 2006a. Seeing Words Change using the Romanian Online Dialect Atlas. Presentation to International Linguistics Association. Annual Meeting. Toronto. April 2006.

  • Embleton, Sheila, Dorin Uritescu & Eric Wheeler. 2006b. Defining User Access to the Romanian Online Dialect Atlas. Presentation to the 5th Congress of Société Internationale de Dialectologie et Géolinguistique (International Society for Dialectology and Geolinguistics). Braga, Portugal. August 2006. to be published in 2008 in Dialectologia et Geolinguistica. vol.16.

  • Embleton, Sheila, Dorin Uritescu & Eric Wheeler. 2005. Data Capture and Presentation in the Romanian Online Dialect Atlas. Presentation to the 12th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology, Université de Moncton, Moncton. Forthcoming in Papers from 12th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology (Linguistica Atlantica 27-28, 2007).

  • Embleton, Sheila, Dorin Uritescu & Eric Wheeler. 2004. Romanian Online Dialect Atlas. An exploration into the management of high volumes of complex knowledge in the social sciences and humanities. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics. 11.3. 183-192. December 2004.

  • Embleton, Sheila & Eric Wheeler. 2000. Computerized Dialect Atlas of Finnish: Dealing with Ambiguity, Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, volume 7, pp. 227-231.

  • Embleton, Sheila & Eric Wheeler. 1997a. Multidimensional Scaling and the SED Data, in The Computer Developed Linguistic Atlas of England 2, ed. Wolfgang Viereck & Heinrich Ramisch. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer. pp. 5-11.

  • Embleton, Sheila & Eric Wheeler. 1997b. Finnish Dialect Atlas for Quantitative Studies, Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, volume 4, pp. 99-102.

  • Embleton, Sheila & Eric Wheeler 1994. Dialect Project: Technical Report. York University, Toronto, Department of Languages, Literatures & Linguistics.

  • Embleton, Sheila. 1993. Multidimensional Scaling as a Dialectometrical Technique: Outline of a research project, in Contributions to Quantitative Linguistics, Proceedings of the First Quantitative Linguistics Conference, September 23-27, 1991, ed. Reinhard Köhler & Burghard Rieger. Dordrecht & Boston: Kluwer. Pp. 267-276.

  • Embleton, Sheila. 1987. Multidimensional Scaling as a Dialectometrical Technique, in Papers from the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association, ed. Rose Mary Babitch. Pp. 33-49.

  • Stan, Ionel, & Dorin Uritescu. forthcoming. Noul Atlas lingvistic român. Crişana. Vol. III, IV. Bucharest : Academic Press.

  • Stan, Ionel, & Dorin Uritescu. 2003. Noul Atlas lingvistic român. Crişana. Vol. II. Bucharest : Academic Press.

  • Stan, Ionel, & Dorin Uritescu. 1996. Noul Atlas lingvistic român. Crişana. Vol. I. Bucharest: Academic Press.

  • Uritescu, Dorin. 2007. Dans la perspective de l’atlas linguistique de Crişana (I). Le participe passé daco-roumain en –ă : mythe roumain ou innovation d’une langue romane?”. In Limba româna – limba romanica, Bucarest: Univers Enciclopedic.

  • Uritescu, Dorin. 1984a. Subdialectul crisean. In: V. Rusu (ed.), Tratat de dialectologie româneasca. Craiova: Scrisul românesc, 284-320, 916-930.

  • Uritescu, Dorin. 1984b. Graiul din Tara Oasului. In: V. Rusu (ed.), Tratat de dialectologie româneasca. Craiova: Scrisul românesc, 390-399, 964-967.

  • Uritescu, Dorin. 1983. Asupra repartiţiei dialectale a graiurilor dacoromâne. Graiul din Oaş / On the Dialect Structure of Daco-Romanian. The Dialect of Oaş/, in Materiale si cercetari dialectale II, Cluj-Napoca: The University of Cluj- Napoca, pp. 231 - 246.

  • Wheeler, Eric S. 2005. Multidimensional Scaling for Linguistics. in Reinhard Koehler, Gabriel Altmann and Rajmund G. Piotrowski. editors. Quantitative Linguistics. An International Handbook. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. pp 548-553.

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