Biography & Contacts

J. Douglas Crawford


Doug Crawford is the Canada Research Chair in Visuomotor Neuroscience, Distinguished Research Professor in Neuroscience. Crawford completed his PhD in Physiology at Western University in 1993 and then spent two years as an MRC Fellow at the Montreal Neurological Institute, before joining the York Department of Psychology in 1995. For the past 26 years his work at the York Centre for Vision Research has focused on the control of visual gaze in 3D space, eye-hand coordination, and spatial memory during eye movements. This has resulted in over 160 papers in publications such as Nature, Science and Annual Review of Neuroscience, and has garnered numerous awards, inculding the 2004 Steacie Prize and the 2016 Canadian Physiological Society Sarrazin Award. He has trained over 60 graduate students and psot-doctoral fellows, most of them graduating to long-term academic, clinical, industry and government research positions. He has founded various groups and programs, including the York Neurophysiology Labs, the York Graduate Diploma Program in Neuroscience, the Canadian Action and Perception Network (CAPnet), the 'Brain in Action' International Research Training Program, directed the CFREF-funded VISTA program for 7 years, and the Connected Minds program hosted at York University with Partner Institution Queen's University.



Mail: Centre for Vision Research, Room 0009A LAS

4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3


Phone: 416-736-2100 x 88621

Fax: 416-736-5857




Current Positions

Canada Research Chair in Visuomotor Neuroscience

York Research Chair in Visuomotor Neuroscience (Tier 1)

Chair, York Neuroscience Research & Training Leaders Steering Committee

Member, Canadian Brain Research Strategy Neuroscience Leaders Group

Member, Graduate Diploma Program in Neuroscience, Faculty of Health, York

Distinguished Research Professor in Neuroscience

Psychology, Biology, Kinesiology & Health Sciences

Member, Canadian Action and Perception Network (CAPnet)

Member and Steering Committee Member, York Centre for Vision Research

Member, Brain in Action International Research Training Group


Previous Positions

Year Position Institution Department
2023-2024 Scientific Director York University Connected Minds
2016-2023 Scientific Director York University Vision: Science to Applications(VISTA)
2007-2021 Tier 1 CIHR CRC York University Centre for Vision Research
2014-2016 Director York University Brain in Action Program
2007-2016 National Coordinator York University CAPnet
2009-2015 York Coordinator York University CAN-ACT CREATE Program
2013 Distinguished Research Professor York University Neuroscience
2005-2013 Professor York University Psychology, Biology, Kinesiology & Health Sciences
York University
Neuroscience Graduate Diploma Program
UWO / York
CIHR Group for Action and Perception (GAP)
Associate Director
York University
Centre for Vision Research
Tier II
Can. Research Chair
York University
Centre for Vision Research
Associate Professor
York University
Kinesiology & Health Sciences
Associate Professor
York University
Psychology and Biology
Assistant Professor
York University
Biology (Cross-appontment)
Assistant Professor
York University
1993-1994 Post-Doctoral Fellow
McGill University Neurology and Neurosurgery
PhD Student 

Selected Awards

2021 York Research Chair in Visuomotor Neuroscience (~$100,000/yr)

2020 British Columbia Leading Edge Endowment Fund Chair (~$275,000/yr, declined)

2020 'World's Top Two Per Cent Researchers'. Stanford University/PLOS Biology

2019 Post-Doctoral Fellow Supervisor of the Year Award

2018 President's Research Excellence Award ($10, 000.00)

Dean's Research Award (Established Career) for 2015-2016 York University

2007-2014 Canadian Research Chair (CIHR Tier I)

2004 The Steacie Prize. "Presented once a year to a scientist or engineer of 40 years of age or less for outstanding scientific research carried out in Canada."

2003 Faculty of Graduate Studies Teaching Award (York U.) For supervision, curriculum development & teaching

2002 CIAR Young Explorer Award "Top 20 Young Canadian Investigators" 

2001-06 Canada Research Chair (Tier II)

2000 Premier's Research Excellence Award (Government of Ontario)

1999 Dean's Award for Outstanding Research (York University)

1996-98 Alfred P. Sloan Neuroscience Fellowship

1995 John Charles Polanyi Prize In Physiology /  Medicine (Government of Ontario)

1993 Governor General Gold Medal (University of Western Ontario)

©2010 The Visuomotor Neuroscience Lab

Web Design by Charlie Pettypiece