ASDParser algorithm details - Part 1: Phrase structure
Copyright 2008
James A. Mason
While an instance of ASDParser is parsing a given
utterance string by performing a depth-first search through a given
ASDGrammar network, it builds a phrase structure to represent the
grammatical structure of the utterance. That phrase structure
records the successfully-completed paths through components of the
grammar network that match subphrases of the utterance. The nodes
of the phrase structure are instances of ASDPhraseNode, which have the
following instance variables:
private String
nodeWord; // the vocabulary
element in the node
ASDGrammarNode nodeInstance;
the grammar node that corresponds to this phrase node
ASDPhraseNode nodeNext;
the phrase node that follows this one; null if none
ASDPhraseNode nodeSubphrase;
the first node in the subphrase represented by this node;
null if there is no subphrase
private Object
the semantic value computed for the node;
Such nodes are linked as shown in the example phrase
structure diagram in Figure 1 for an utterance being parsed with the
grammar for English cardinal numbers (cardinal.jpg
and cardinal.grm). The example shows
the phrase structure as it would appear part way through the parsing
Figure 1
In the diagram, the nodeNext
links are shown horizontally and the nodeSubphrase
links are shown vertically from the boxes that represent ASDPhraseNode instances.
The nodeWord
and nodeInstance
values are shown inside the boxes. (In an actual phrase
structure, nodeInstance
values are links to nodes in an ASDGrammar,
in the diagram they are just shown as numbers, which correspond to
instance numbers in the grammar.) To keep the diagrams simple,
the values of nodeValue
instance variables are not shown in the diagrams; for phrases parsed
with the cardinal grammar,
those values are the numerical values of the words and phrases that the
nodes represent.
The leftmost node at the top level of the phrase
structure is a header node whose purpose is to facilitate re-linking of
the nodes at the top level during the parsing process. As the
parse proceeds and subphrases are recognized, the first node of each
completed subphrase is linked, via a nodeSubphrase link, from (i.e.,
below, in the diagram) a new node that represents the completed
subphrase and that contains its phrase type as its nodeWord value.
Initially, the parse begins with the nodes
corresponding to the words of the given phrase ( "two hundred and
twelve thousand" ) linked horizontally to the right of the header node,
as shown in Figure 2. The initial nodeInstance values are all
null and remain so until each node is matched with a corresponding node
in the ASDGrammar during
the parsing process. For the same reason, the node containing
"thousand" in Figure 1 has no value shown for its nodeInstance.
![[ example phrase structure diagram ]](InitialPhraseStructureExample.png)
Figure 2
Figure 3 shows the phrase structure when a parse of
the phrase has been completed. A parse is complete when the top
level of the phrase structure contains just one node after the header
node, and the nodeWord value
that node is one of the expected phrase types (in this case, "CARDINAL") which have been
specified as goals for the parse. Notice that each
horizontally-linked list of nodes below the top level in the completed
phrase structure corresponds to a path from an initial node to a final
node in the cardinal grammar. The
example shown is consistent with the semantic action and value
constraints with which the nodes of the grammar has been augmented.
The cardinalnodeValue
in the topmost CARDINAL
node (just to the right of the header node) would be 212000, the value
of the entire parsed phrase "two hundred and twelve thousand".
![[ example phrase structure diagram ]](FinalPhraseStructureExample1.png)
Figure 3
At the nodes indicated by (1) and (2) in Figure 1, local ambiguities will have been
detected during the parsing process up to the state shown by the
Figure. After the node [MULTIPLIER 1], the parse
could have advanced to the dummy node [$$ 2] in the grammar rather
than to node [and 1].
after the node [and 1]
the parse could have advanced to the initial node [CARDINAL 1] in the grammar,
rather than to [CARDINAL 2]
as it has in the diagram. If the parsing process subsequent to
Figure 1 were to reach a dead end, it would backtrack to the most
recent point of local ambiguity and try an alternative advance from
that point.
Most of the complexity of the parsing algorithm in
ASDParser comes from the need to handle such ambiguities. At each
the parser must be able to recognize local ambiguity, if it
occurs. It must have mechanisms for remembering the state of the
parse at points of local ambiguity, and for backtracking to the most
recent point of local ambiguity when the parser reaches a dead end in
advancing its search through the syntax diagram. For
example, if the phrase being parsed were "two million and twelve
thousand" rather than "two hundred and twelve thousand", the semantic
action augmentation of grammar node [MULTIPLIER 1] would reject the
advance that took place from node [CARDINAL
1] to node [MULTIPLIER 1]
at the top level in Figure 3, requiring the parser instead to backtrack
to local ambiguity (2) in
Figure 1. There it would begin a new subphrase at the CARDINAL node, corresponding to
the initial grammar node [CARDINAL 1], after node [and 1], as shown in Figure 4.
(Among other things, ASDParser must keep track of the nodes at
which subphrases begin, so it can replace completed subphrase correctly
at the top level when final nodes are reached in the grammar.)
![[ example phrase structure diagram ]](PhraseStructureExample2.png)
Figure 4
Then the parse could proceed to the final phrase structure shown in
Figure 5, which satisfies the semantic augmentations of nodes in the
grammar and which yields the value 2012000 for the overall phrase. .
![[ example phrase structure diagram ]](FinalPhraseStructureExample2.png)
Figure 5
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last modified 2010 Aug 21