Augmented Syntax Diagram (ASD) home page

Author: Prof. James A. Mason,
York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
page last updated 2021 Jun 6
I have added some example ASD grammar
images from a "real world" application to the Examples page. (See
the button above.)
I am beginning to upgrade the tools on this
site to Java 8 and have converted to using NetBeans 8 as the
IDE for further development on this project. See the News page for further
details. After
the Augmented Syntax Diagram tools, I am planning to shift
the focus of the project to concentrate on developing
CardWorld further as a domain in which to model the syntactic,
pragmatic and cognitive capabilities of CardAgents
as examples
of entities that can interact and converse with us in English in
interesting ways.
This site contains
software tools, grammars, and examples developed for parsing and
understanding utterances in natural languages such as
English. Highlights of the site are:
- ASDEditor, a graphical
editor for directed graphs (networks of nodes linked by directed
edges, as shown in the small diagram above) called Augmented
Syntas Diagrams (ASDs), which can be used to represent both grammars and decision networks;
- ASDParser, a tool for
parsing strings of words with ASDs that represent grammars;
- ASDDecider, a tool for
searching ASDs that represent decision networks for values in
unordered sets of decision variables;
- CardWorld, a testbed
for building working models of natural-language understanding
that involve directly-manipulable objects (cards) and
collections of objects, and one or more modeled CardAgents.
You are free to download and use the tools and examples at
this site, with appropriate acknowledgment of their origin, and
for those licensed under the Apache 2.0
license, in compliance with the terms of that
license. The tools and examples are provided with no
warranty expressed or implied.
Another site
for ASD examples is That site is maintained by Roxanne Parent. Among
other things, it provides demonstrations of several ASD tools
and CardWorld examples that can be run directly from the web
site with Java Web Start.