SOSC 4318: Modes of Communication: "Reading Television?"
That 70's Show

Audience Analysis of FRIENDS


My research reveals that people are not interested in interpretation or ‘reading’ television. Watching television is more like an evening routine and they seem to be satisfied with it. It is also true that the show Friends is not given high ratings in terms of its content, another factor that they decide not to value interpretation.

However, I believe that the fact that we do not interpret Friends is the sign and symbol that reflects our society. Living under the pressure of success and coping with stress-inducing lifestyle probably is the reason why we seek effortless enjoyment. Research has shown that adults need to ‘play’ just as much as children do, and today’s adults would prefer a ‘play’ that does not require more efforts than what they have already pulled out during the day. Television is almost perfect for fulfilling this aspect of our needs, especially if it does not take efforts to think. I believe that both the viewers and producers of television programs are following the steps of this society’s flow, and let’s be honest. Not being able to read television may be something that cannot be avoided while adapting to this society.

Herrmann states in his article, “It should also be considered that people watch television for different reasons, to actually learn something, experience something, or just as background sound in the next room. This, again, has an effect on how we ‘read’ television.”

My finding suggests that we watch television to experience pleasure, through which we find life less threatening. Considering this situation, television may be doing a very good job in producing shows in which the effect of ‘reading’ is not such an important matter.

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