SOSC 4318: Modes of Communication: "Reading Television?"
That 70's Show
That 70's Show

What's up with

"That 70s Show?"

This show is ideal for a quantative study about the media's influence on teenage culture because of it's 70s focus. The sit-com is created by 21st century writers to appeal to families and more specifically teenagers. For parents it is a return to the good old days, a return to when clothes were as colourful as the characters of teenagers. For the younger generation it is an alternate way to express themselves. This retro look is fashionable and the modern charateristics of the actors in the sit-com reinforces the idea that teenagers are not watching their parents on television but they are watching themselves.

For the purpose of my study I have narrowed my research content to one season of the sit-com. I will be looking at an episode guide of the third season of “That 70’s Show” to discover whether their are common categories for the plotlines of each episode.


70s Show Content Analysis Home

That 70s Show Home


Ozi Ijeh

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