SOSC 4318: Modes of Communication: "Reading Television?"
That 70's Show
That 70's Show


Welcome to our analysis of that 70's show.Through the many years, of watching televised programs I am sure that you have wondered how all of these images are effecting you? As you may already now, this site is dedicated to finding out if people do or do not read television as they do with the printed text. Or even if it is possible for audio-visual cue's that one sees on Television effect people. There are many debates going on right now that are interested in finding out if there is an effect of television on it's viewers.

Well this is the question that this site is trying to figure out: Do people interpret meaning and if so how? This question was in response to Stefan Herrmann's article "Do We Learn To 'Read' Television Like A Kind Of 'Language'?" In his article he suggests that television is an active process rather then a passive viewing experience. It is not the passive process that it has so long been thought. In our discussion we will be using four approaches to debate his idea: content analysis which is an analysis of content and not the structure of a communication, semiotics which is the theory and study of signs and symbols as component of language or other systems of communication, genre theory which places texts within textual and social contexts within the social nature of the production and reading of text, audience analysis looks to find out who the audience is and what these viewers are getting from a text.



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