SOSC 4318: Modes of Communication: "Reading Television?"
That 70's Show
That 70's Show


You've found me! Hi and thanks for visiting. My name is Kz Sutton and I'm pleased to say that I am presently in my fourth (and final) year of study at York University. My major of choice is communications but I'm also taking a second major in psychology.

I'm not sure what you'd like to know about me, but I have some room here so I'll tell you a bit about myself. The reason why I'm a communications major is due to the fact that I love to talk, and hey I figure if I can get a degree out of doing something that I love, that's a great bonus (don't you think)! Well I guess I should say a little something about the show I'm analyzing. That 70's show has got to be right up there on my must see television list (right behind law and order). Why you may ask? Unfortunately I'm not sure if the main reason is because I love the cloths, or the antics of the characters on the show. But I must say that my boy has got to be Michael Kelso (yup I even know his first name). Well I'll let you get back to the site, I hope you enjoy it!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments.

Smile and the world smiles with you! That one's for you Ozi

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