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Strengths of Adam’s analysis of AI
Adam succeeds in constructing a critique of the way AI excludes women as knowers and women’s knowledge as such. She demonstrates how gender is inscribed in the heart of AI systems that assume the male dominated definition of knowledge as the only valid form of knowledge, and the existence of a universal knower, therefore assuming a unique common sense amongst all humans. All of these assumptions work on the exclusion of the body as producer of knowledge. Adam’s awareness of the importance of the body in the production of knowledge is extremely important for the feminist critique of AI. Because women’s identity has been traditionally associated with the body, the inclusion of body-type knowledge into AI is vital for a true representation of human knowledge into AI. Yet, by emphasising the importance of body-based knowledge into AI, Adam calls attention to the fact that by exposing this problem women might actually emphasise dominant misconceptions of women’s knowledge as different from that of men’s. Another extremely important achievement on the part of Adam is that of conducting this study. After all, the technological field in general, and especially that of AI, has been highly regarded as a male-dominated sphere. Adam has showed how mainstream feminists should pay closer attention to technology issues. Adam can also be celebrated for putting feminist epistemology into the practical realm. After all, many theories have suffered severe criticism for its lack of practicality. Adam shows how this theory can be applied to construct the awareness of how AI systems are gendered. For the purpose of this class — SOSC 3990 Feminist Perspectives on Media and Technology — Adam’s study has much to offer. As a class, we have seen how limited the studies in the area of feminist criticism on technologies are. Adam has not only filled a gap in literature but has also shown the relevance of looking into technology from a feminist perspective. Her study opens up a whole new branch of possibilities for women who are interested in the field of feminism and technology. After all, it is impossible to escape the influences of the technological world in today’s society. Therefore, Adam contributes in opening up the eyes of women on how these technologies are being imposed upon society wearing a mask that hide the perpetuation of dominant ideologies.
~ Intro ~ Alison Adam ~ Artificial Intelligence ~ Adam's views ~ Feminist Epistemology ~ Expert Systems ~ ~ Strengths ~ Weaknesses ~ Traditional Epistemology ~ Works Cited ~