

              1. with K. Birch, C. Hossein, A. Salazar, S. Scott, R. Wellen, Business and Society: A Critical Introduction (London: Zed        

               Books), 2017.

              2. Introducing Money (London and New York: Routledge, 2013)

Refereed journal articles:

  1. ‘An embarrassment of riches and a surplus of shame: Amartya Sen on poverty and deprivation’, Poverty and Public Policy 9 (4), 2017, pp. 444-64.
  2. ‘The ontology of money’, Cambridge Journal of Economics 41 (5), 2017, pp. 1471-87.
  3. ‘Aristotle on justice in exchange: commensurability by fiat’, Journal of Philosophical Economics X (1), 2016, pp. 5-27.
  4. 'Market processes and the ethics of consumption', Sage Open, 11th May, 2015 (
  5. 'Economic policy without politics:  behavioral reflections on the intransigence of market-oriented policy reform', Review of Radical Political Economics 47 (1), 2015, pp. 18-33.
  6. ‘Complementary currencies: history, theory, prospects’, Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit 29 (6-7), 2014, pp. 708-22.
  7. ‘Commitment and Goals: A Comment on Christoph Hanisch, “Negative Goals and Identity”’, in Rationality, Markets and Morals vol. 4, 2013, pp.  221-6.
  8. ‘Accounting for money: wergeld and the legal presuppositions of money’, Business History vol. 55 (2), 2013, pp. 280-301.
  9. ‘Rehabilitating Homer’s Phoenicians: on some ancient and modern prejudices against trade in Homeric society’, Ancient Society vol. 41, 2011, pp. 1-29.
  10. 'Sen's apples: commitment, agent relativity and social norms', Rationality, Markets and Morals vol. 2, 2011, pp. 35-47.
  11. 'Inability, capability and affected ignorance: reflections on Michele Moody-Adams', History of the Human Sciences vol. 24 (3), 2011, pp. 65-81.
  12. ‘The political economy of Homeric society and the origins of money’, Contributions to Political Economy vol. 30 (1), 2011, pp. 47-65.
  13. ‘The power to choose: reformulating the concept of choice in economic theory’, Journal of Philosophical Economics 4 (2), 2011, pp. 15-36.
  14. ‘Obligation and advantage in Hobbes’ Leviathan’, Canadian Journal of Philosophy 40 (3), 2010, pp. 433-458.
  15. ‘Institutional normativity and the evolution of morals: a behavioural approach to ethics’, Journal of Business Ethics 95 (2), 2010, pp. 283-296.
  16. (with Michael Schefczyk) ‘Altruism as a thick concept’, Economics and Philosophy 26 (2), 2010, 165-187.
  17. ‘Starvation and social class: Amartya Sen on markets and famines’, Review of Political Economy vol. 22 (1), 2010, pp. 57-73.
  18. ‘Path-dependence in the production of scientific knowledge’, Social Epistemology vol. 23 (2), 2009, pp. 105-124.
  19. ‘Transforming economics into what? Heterodox economics and critical realism’, Cambridge Journal of Economics vol. 32 (2), 2008, pp. 219-233.
  20. ‘The conceptual construction of altruism: Ernst Fehr’s experimental approach to human conduct’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences vol. 37 (1), 2007, pp. 3-23.
  21. ‘The moral economy of parallel currencies: an analysis of local exchange trading systems’, American Journal of Economics and Sociology vol. 65 (5), 2006, pp. 1059-1083.
  22. ‘Rationality and the language of decision making: activating Searle’s “Background” in economic theory’, International Journal of Social Economics, vol. 33 (9), 2006, pp. 604-614.
  23. ‘The origins of money in Ancient Greece: the political economy of coinage and exchange’, Cambridge Journal of Economics vol. 30 (4), 2006, pp. 637-650.
  24. (with Michael Schefczyk and Peter Schaber) ‘The indispensability of motives: thoughts on Fehr and altruism’, Analyse & Kritik 27 (1), 2005, pp. 188-196.
  25. ‘Rationality in Leviathan: Hobbes and his game-theoretic admirers’, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought vol. 12 (2), 2005, pp. 191-213.
  26. ‘No methodology without ontology: reorienting economics’, Journal of Economic Methodology vol. 11 (3) 2004, pp. 313-319.
  27. ‘On political competition: democracy, opinion and responsibility’, Constitutional Political Economy vol. 15 (2), 2004, pp. 187-204. 
  28. ‘State, money, catallaxy: underlabouring for a chartalist theory of money’, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics vol. 26 (2), Winter 2003-4, pp. 205-225.
  29. ‘Two-tier rationality and reflexivity: an examination of the foundations of economic reason’, Review of Social Economy vol. LXI (1), 2003, pp. 74-89.
  30. ‘The desire to understand and the politics of Wissenschaft: an analysis of the Historikerstreit’, History of the Human Sciences vol. 14 (4), 2001, pp. 87-110.
  31. ‘Explaining theory choice: an assessment of the critical realist contribution to explanation in science’, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour vol. 30 (3), 2000, pp. 319-339.
  32. ‘Charity ends with the lottery: It ain’t what you give, it’s the way that you give it’, New Economy vol. 7 (2), 2000, pp. 120-123.
  33. ‘Local exchange trading systems: a solution to the employment dilemma?’ Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics vol. 71 (1), 2000, pp. 55-78.
  34. ‘Interpersonal comparisons of utility: some lessons from Wittgenstein’, Review of Political Economy vol. 8 (3), 1996, pp. 279-290.
  35. (with Clive Lawson and Stephen Pratten) ‘Realism, underlabouring and institutions’, Cambridge Journal of Economics vol. 20 (2), 1996, pp. 137-151.
  36. ‘Hayek, realism and spontaneous order’, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour vol. 23 (3), 1993, pp. 249-264.

Contributions to books:

  1. ‘Wealth and commerce in archaic Greece: from Homer and Hesiod to Plato’, in E. Heath and B. Kaldis (eds.). Wealth, Commerce and Philosophy: Foundational Thinkers on Business Ethics (Chicago: Chicago University Press), 2017, pp. 11-30.
  2. ‘Third way politics and the future of social democracy: reflections on the recent thought of Anthony Giddens’, in Birger P. Priddat (ed.) – Der bewegte Staat: Formen seiner ReForm – Notizen zur “new governance”( Marburg: Metropolis), 2000, pp. 167-196.
  3. ‘Rationality and social norms’, in J. Foster (ed.) – Valuing Nature? Ethics, Economics and the Environment (London and New York: Routledge), 1997, pp. 67-74.

Edited volumes:

  1.  (with Michael Schefczyk) Guest editor of the special issue of Analyse & Kritik vol. 27 (1), 2005 on ‘Ernst Fehr and Human Altruism’.
  2.  (with Michael Schefczyk) Guest editor of the symposium on ‘Philosophical and Methodological Issues in Economics’, Analyse & Kritik vol. 26 (2), 2004.
  3. (with Paul Roth) Guest editor for the special issue of History of the Human Sciences vol. 17 (2-3), 2004 on ‘What is to be learned? Theorising the Holocaust’.
  4.  (with Michael Schefczyk) Guest editor for the special issue of Philosophy in the Contemporary World vol. 7 (4), 2000 on ‘Philosophy and the Marketplace’.