HUMA 3110: Roman Culture and Society:

The Age of Augustus




           This course examines a crucial moment in ancient history: the age of Caesar Augustus (63 BCE – 14 CE). In this period the Roman Republic ended and was replaced by the imperial rule of one man. We will look at the historical and political events that led to this change in Roman government, as well as the social and cultural conditions that changed and those that remained the same throughout this tumultuous period.  We will read a wide variety of literature: epic, elegiac, lyric, didactic and satiric poetry, as well as historiography, biography, oratory and technical writing. We will also examine non-literary sources: painting and sculpture, private and public architecture, urban topography, inscriptions, and other material remains. Themes addressed include: art and power, imperial propaganda and self-representation, the Hellenization and Romanization of Mediterranean culture, public and private discourses about sexuality and gender, morality and the family.

Course Description