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September 30th, 2010
How Nigeria has affected the rest of Africa more...
September 29th, 2010
Viewpoint: What it means to be Nigerian more...
May 18th, 2010
Shortage of Social Workers in the Nation more...
May 17th, 2010
Author Chimamanda Adichie Discusses the Dangers of a Single Story more...

Project Partners

University of Benin


University of BeninThe University of Benin was founded on 23rd November, 1970 by the then Midwestern State Government initially as the Midwest Institute of Technology. The Institute achieved full University status in July 1971 when it was recognized by the National Universities Commission and became the University of Benin. In August 1975, the University was taken over by the Federal Government. In November 2005, the University would be celebrating thirty-five years of solid achievements and expanding national and international reputation built upon a sense of enterprise, resourcefulness, creativity, innovativeness, astute diplomacy, patriotism, excellence and service.

The University of Benin has remained faithful to its founding philosophy, which is encapsulated in the motto “Knowledge for Service”. Its original objective was to produce high-level human resources in the scientific and technological fields but this perspective quite early assumed a wider focus to embrace the humanistic branches of Arts, Social Sciences, Education and Law. The roots of knowledge increasingly became deeper but the general orientation of the products has always been the same and that is to offer exemplary service to the immediate community, to the nation, to the international academic community and to humanity as a whole. It has a current population of 40,000 students. The University has a crop of highly trained and experience academic and non-academic staff many of whom are dedicated and committed to the traditions of University life and high standards of scholarship. Academic staffs are also involved in partnership at various levels in Nigeria and abroad. These partnerships have brought honour and enhancement of intellectual enterprise and provide opportunities for personal, institutional, and intellectual growth and development.

For more information, please click here.

Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development


The Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development was created in July, 1997 from the Department of Social Welfare (which was transferred from the Ministry of Information), Youth and Culture and Edo State Chapter of Women Commission. The Ministry provides professional services in the areas of social welfare, rehabilitation of both the physically disabled and mentally challenged, the development and advancement of Women and Children and other social problems within the family. The broad objectives of the Ministry include: To enhance the welfare of women through the full utilization of women in the development of human resources and to bring about their acceptance as full participants in every phase of national development, with equal rights and corresponding obligations; to initiate and stimulate actions designed to improve women’s civic, political, cultural, social economic and education by supporting the work of NGOs.

SWIN-P: The Social Work in Nigeria Project.