Xiaohui Yu
I am a Professor and the Graduate Program Director in the School of Information Technology, York University. I received my BSc degree from Nanjing University, China, MPhil from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (under the supervision of Prof. Ada Fu), and PhD from the University of Toronto (under the supervision of Prof. Nick Koudas). I am affiliated with the graduate programs in Information Systems & Technology, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, and Mathematics & Statistics at York University.
My current research interests lie primarily at the intersection of data management and machine learning (ML), including designing next-generation ML-based database components for more efficient query processing, as well as developing new algorithms and systems for large-scale ML. I am also interested in managing and analyzing spatio-temporal data arising from a variety of contexts, such as intelligent transporation systems, location-based services, and social networks. I am grateful for the generous support from NSERC, BRAIN Alliance, and leading industry partners. Our research results have been published in top database and data mining venues, such as SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE, and TKDE. I currently serve as Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), Associate Editor for the ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery in Data (TKDD), and Area Editor for Information Systems.
I am looking for self-motivated students to join our research group as PhD or Master's students. Please drop me a line if you are interested.